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www.GetP * More than 500,000 Interesting Articles waiting for you . * The Ebook starts from the next page : Enjoy ! * Say hello to my cat Meme The The NONVERBAL DICTIONARY of GESTURES, SIGNS BODY LANGUAGE CUES From Adams-Apple-Jump to Zygomatic Smile By David B. Givens © 2002 (Spokane, Washington: Center for Nonverbal Studies Press) Items in this Dictionary have been researched by anthropologists, archaeologists, biologists, linguists, psychiatrists, psychologists, semioticians, and others who have studied human communication from a scientific point of view. Every effort has been made to cite their work in the text. Definitions, meanings, and interpretations left uncredited are those of the author. Gestures and consumer products with /nonverbal2/diction1.htm (1 of 2) [27/04/02 05:54:42] The current trademark registrations are identified with the ® symbol. Entries in The Dictionary. There have been many who, not knowing how to mingle the useful and the pleasing in the right proportions, have had all their toil and pains for nothing . . . --Cervantes (Don Quixote) Dedication A masterful piece of work --American Library Association Highly recommended --New Scientist Very interesting reading --The Houston Chronicle


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