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2 0 1 0 6 41 6
DOI: 10. 3969/ .j issn. 1000-1298. 2010. 06. 002
王军年 王庆年 宋传学 靳立强 胡长健
(, 130025)
= AMESmi , M atlab/Smi ulink
, ,
, ,
: 469172 : A : 1000-1298( 2010) 06-0007-07
Co-simulation and Test of DifferentialDrive Assist Steering
Control System for Four-wheelE lectric Vehicle
W ang Junnian W ang Q ingnian Song Chuanxue Jin Liqiang Hu Changjian
(StateK ey Labora tory of Autom obile Dynam ic S mi ulation, Jilin University, Changchun 130025, China)
A stract
The dynam icsmodelof electric vehiclewithmotorized-whee-ldrivebased onAMESmi wasbuilt, and
the differentialdrive assist steering (DDAS) control system modelwas built usingM atlab/Smi ulink. On
this basis, the control strategy of torque distribution bewt een right and left front steerable wheels was
presented, ami ing for the reduction of the steering effortsand assisting the steeringwheel return to center,
aswellas the yaw compensation produced by differentialdrive of the rear twowheels. The co-smi ulation
results validated that the proposed DDAS control system could mi prove steering handiness, steering feel
and returnability of the steering whee,l including stability compensation and practicability enhancement
forDDAS system. Furthermore, the double-lane change road expermi ents for rapid controlprototyping of
DDAS control strategywere conducted. Expermi ental results verified the feasibility of providing steering
assistance and the ability to keep road feeling ofDDAS system.
Key words Electric vehicle, Assist steering, Co-smi ulation, Expermi ent
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