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* 赵 杰 曾 一平 ( 100083) , . ,. ,, , , ,, Advances in novel high- efficiency solar cell research ZHAO Jie ZEN YiPing (MaterialsScience Center, Institute of Semiconductors, ChineseA cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100083, China) Abstract A brief overview is presented of the operation principle and recent development of third genera tion photovoltaic devices, which are aiming at ultra- high efficiency, thin- film structure, and low cost. These solar cells include various types such as the multi- junction tandem, intermediate- band, multiple- exciton- generation, hot carrier and thermophotovoltaic cells. Their future prospects are predicted. Keywords solar cell; multi- junction tandem; quantum dot; intermediate band; multiple exciton genera tion; hot carrier; thermophotovoltaic 6000K,300K,, 1 引言 95% ; Shockley [3] Queisser , (solar cell, SC) (Eg) , ,Eg 1.3eV ,1sun . pn SC (SQ ) 31% , (46200suns) [ 1] 40%. , 1954 , , SC . , , . . 3 : ( 1) , (h) Eg , ; . (2) Eg [2] () , Eg ( h- Eg) 2001, reen 3 , ( ; (3) Si Si) (Si, , . , aAs, CdT e, CI S ) , . * ( : , 2010- 11- 05 . . Email: ypzeng@ semi. ac. cn


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