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28 12 Vol. 28, No. 12 2008 12 ACTA ECOLOGICA SIN ICA Dec. , 2008 1 2, * 1 姚文波, 刘文兆 , 侯甬坚 ( 1. , 710062; 2. , 712100) : 5. 12, , , , , , ) ) ) , Ô, , , : 5. 12; ; ; : 1000-0933( 2008) 12-5917-10 : Q143 : A Investigation and analysis of collapses and landslideson theLoessPlateau ofEast ansu Province after the 5. 12W enchuan Earthquake 1 2, * 1 YAOW en-Bo, L IUW en-Zhao , HOU Yong-Jian 1Centerf or H istorica l E nvironm ent and Socio-E conom ic Developm ent in N orthw est China and Chinese H istorical Geog raphy R esearch Institute, S haan i Norma l Un iversity, X ican 710062, China 2 Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Ch ineseA cademy of S ciences andM inistry of W ater R esources, Yang ling 712100, Shaan i Prov ince, Ch ina A cta E co log ica S in ica, 2008, 28( 12) : 5917~ 5926. Abstract: This paper is based on the field investigation of the geological d isaster that caused by the 5. 12 W enchuan Earthquake in Q ingyang City and P ingliang City, Gansu Province. It is found that the earthquake-induced collapses and landslides are charcterized by sm all type and large number and arem ainly distributed at the of the edges ofmodern erosion ditch; The earthquake-induced landslides distributed in the tab leland surface, gentle slope hills and tableland of the valley, is consistentw ith the cave dw elling and the engineering construction. A lthough this earthquake has not caused large or


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