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2013 年职称英语等级考试用书(理工类) 注: 1、+表示 A 级文章;*表示 B 即文章;其他为 C 级文章; 2、阅读理解,请参见第 3 页;完形填空,请参见第 20 页; 3、2013 年词汇部分、阅读判断、概括大意和完成句子、补全短文与 2012 年教材相比未作任何变化 。 2013年职称英语(理工类)新增文章学习 阅读理解 第十一篇When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach Our senses aren’t just delivering a strict view of what’s going on in the world ; they’re affected by what’s going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who’ve just eaten. Psychologists have known for decades that what’s going on, inside our head affects our senses. For example, poorer children think coins are larger than they are, and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis ,France ,wanted to investigate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a little later as the brain’s high-level thinking processes get involved. Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test, each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes; others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the experiment and the other half had just eaten. For the experiment, the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one, 80 words flashed on the screen for about l/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size that the students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word ,each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they’d seen — a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word appeared too briefly for the participant to really read it. Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-



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