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摘 要
通过对目前各类CAD软件在国内应用现状的调查、比较、分析,从开发的难易程度、可移植性、易维护性等各方面考虑,选定广为用户使用的三维CAD设计软件SolidWorks作为开发平台,综合运用Visual Basic编程技术和Access数据库管理技术,借助SolidWorks API强大的二次开发功能,构建了一个无缝集成于SolidWorks的CAD系统,开发完成了基于特征造型、可参数化驱动生成零部件的机床夹具零部件库。该系统对于技术人员相对匾乏的中小企业来说,在机床夹具的设计制造中将有极好的应用前景。
SolidWorks-based Fixture Design And Management
Acting as a important segment of CIMS, Computer Aided Fixture Design solves many problems of the traditional design such as the long design period ,the low efficiency and so on. It reduces the labor intensity and improves the design level for fixture. As a result, it can shorten development cycle and increases the competitive power of the enterprises.
In this thesis, the conception, development and composition of CAD are reviewed first. Under the guide idea of practicability and high efficient, based on the study of the CAD at national and foreign countries and associating with the problems of Chinese manufacturing, a new method about CAD system, which was at the beginning of building library for machine tool fixture, was put forward and realized.
Through investigating, comparing, analyzing the variable CAD software and thinking about the degree of difficulty, transportability and maintainability, the 3D CAD software SolidWorks was selected as the developing platform and Visual Basic program technique and database management technique of Access was utilized. By the secondary development function of SolidWorks API, a seamless integration CAD system was built, a feature-based and parameter-driven parts library for machine tool fixture developed. It will have a good application future in designing and manufacturing of tool fixture for the enterprises which lake technical personnel.
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