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题目名称: 基于SSH的模拟微博系统设计与实现
学 院: 计算机科学技术
专业年级: 软件工程 09级
二○一三年 六 月 七 日摘 要
微博,即微博客(Micro Blog)的简称,微博提供了这样一个平台,你既可以作为观众,在微博上浏览你感兴趣的信息;也可以作为发布者,在微博上发布内容供别人浏览。发布的内容一般较短,例如140字的限制,微博由此得名。当然了也可以发布图片,分享视频等。微博最大的特点就是:发布信息快速,信息传播的速度快。例如你有00万粉丝,你发布的信息会在瞬间传播给00万人。2006年3月,blogger的创始人埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)首创了微博服务。2007年5月,王兴创建了国内第一家微博网站饭否。2009年8月,中国门户网站新浪推出“新浪微博”内测版,成为门户网站中第一家提供微博服务的网站,从此微博正式进入中文上网主流人群视野。截止2012年12月底,中国微博用户规模达到3.09亿(较2011年底的2.498亿增长了5873万),成世界第一大国。随着微博在网民中的日益火热,与微博相关的词汇也迅速走红网络,“微博效应”逐渐形成。关键词Abstract
With the popularity of computer and the rapid development of computer science and technology, weibo, one for user information sharing, communication and access platform has been in-depth peoples lives. Twitter from abroad to Chinas sina weibo, microblogging is increasingly deep into our life, for our more fast and convenient information provides a convenient. This paper from the development site research significance, the requirements analysis, overall design and concrete implementation point of view of the web site introduces the development process, focusing on demand analysis and overall design in detail, and at the same time the system adopted by the technical as well as a brief introduction to the technical difficulties.
This website is to use SSH (Struts + Spring + hibernate) + JSP + JavaBean and MySQL database development microblogging site. Mainly aimed at the general users requirements in terms of design, finally realizes the user can use this website share with instant message, browse other users messages, plus, view their individual space, etc. This website appearance is concise and easy, operation is simple and fast to use, with a registered user login module, message management module friends, picture management module, management module, reviews management module, user information management module, administrator statistical query module, public announcement management module. This website m
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