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This glossary was prepared by the IMF Terminology Working Group (TWG) and the Reference, Terminology and Documentation Section,
Language Services, Technology and General Services Department (TGS). It is for internal reference use only and is not an official
publication of the IMF . It is provided to you for your strict personal use as a contractor working for the IMF and its contents must not be
disseminated or quoted in any form or by any means.
TWG attaches great importance to adding and updating explanations of the English source terms. This is an ongoing process, and proposed
explanations not yet verified by TWG are preceded by “xxx”. Although not final, these proposed explanations may be useful for translators
and interpreters.
The usage field [ ] indicates the area or publication in which a given term is used. A list of acronyms and initials is attached for the
convenience of the user.
The “+” sign at the beginning and end of a term indicates that the term should be italicized. Owing to technical reasons, it is not yet possible
to italicize terms in our term base.
Users are requested to send comments and suggestions
to the IMF Terminology Working Group, terminology@.
Extraction date: May 2005
English Chinese
21st Century Initiative 21世纪倡议
AAA debtor 三A级债务人
AAA rating 三A级
see also: rating
ability to pay
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