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毕 业 论 文 题 目 《简·爱》的女权主义思想 专 业 汉语言文学 班 级 2004级本科10班 姓 名 田 雨 指导教师 张爱玲 绥 化 学 院 Suihua University Graduation Paper Jane Eyre Feminist Thinking Student name Yu Tian Student number 200450844 Major Chinese Language and Literature Supervising teacher Ailing Zhang Suihua University 摘 要 《简·爱》是英国19世纪著名女作家夏洛蒂· 勃郎特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂“诗意的生平”的写照,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。这部现实主义小说带有浓厚的浪漫主义色彩,夏洛蒂塑造了一个外表不美,但有着火热的激情和不屈不挠的性格的女性形象。简是一个出身卑微,无依无靠的家庭教师,在那等级森严的社会中,是属于没有地位的,被迫害的下层女性。但她自尊,叛逆反抗,倔强,不甘与环境相妥协。她坚决反对压迫,屈辱和任何卑鄙邪恶的行为,敢于表现自己的爱憎感情,敢于追求平等和幸福,敢于同黑暗现实和不公正的待遇进行抗争,始终捍卫人格的尊严。简较高的女性意识,让她成为了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的女性形象,这使她成为那个时代的新女性形象。 关键词:自尊;自由;奋斗;经济独立 Abstract Jane ? Love is well-known 19th century British writer Charlotte ? Bob Langs special representative, people generally think Jane ?Love Charlotte is poetic life portrayal, is an autobiography with the color works. The realism of romantic novels with a strong color, shape of a Charlotte appearance is not the United States, but has a fiery passion and perseverance of the character of the female image. Jane is a humble origin, unsupported families teachers, in the hierarchical society, is not the position, the lower deck of persecution of women. But her self-esteem, treason resistance, stubborn, unwilling to compromise with the environment. Firmly opposed to oppression and humiliation and any despicable acts of evil, Aizeng dare to express their feelings and the courage to pursue equality and happiness, Gan Yutong dark reality and unfair treatment to fight, always defending the dignity of personality. Jane higher awareness of women, she became a dare to resist, the courage to fight for freedom and equal status of the female image, she became that eras new image of women. Key words: sel


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