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题目:工程测量技术应用与研究工程测量技术应用与研究 答辩准备 7 12.11.24~12.12.2 答辩 答辩 指导教师批准日期 2012年7月15日 签名 注:1.任务完成后附在说明书内。 2.“检查人签名”一栏和“指导教师批准日期”由教师用笔填写,其余各项均要求打印,打印字体和字号按照《天津大学现代远程教育毕业设计(论文)格式规定》执行。 摘 要 随着全球定位系统(GPS)技术的快速发展,RTK测量技术也日益成熟,RTK测量技术逐步在测绘中得到应用。RTK(Real - time kinematic)实时动态差分法。这是一种新的常用的GPS测量方法,以前的静态、快速静态、动态测量都需要事后进行解算才能获得厘米级的精度,而RTK是能够在野外实时得到厘米级定位精度的测量方法,它采用了载波相位动态实时差分方法,是GPS应用的重大里程碑,它的出现为工程放样、地形测图,各种控制测量带来了新曙光,极大地提高了外业作业效率。GPSRTK技术率先在大地测量、工程测量、航空摄影测量、海洋测量、城市测量等测绘领域得到了应用。 本文首先分析了GPSRTK技术在工程测量中的应用,其次,就GPSRTK技术在工程测量中处理数据方法和GPSRTK技术在工程测量中应用的优点进行了探讨。 关键词:GPS; GPSRTK; 工程测量; 工程测量中的应用 ABSTRACT With the global positioning system ( GPS ) the rapid development of technology, RTK technology is getting mature, RTK measurement technology has been applied gradually in surveying and mapping. RTK (Real time kinematic ) dynamic real time difference method. This is a new kind of commonly used GPS measurement method, the previous static, fast static, dynamic measurements are required to post solver to get cm level precision, and RTK is in the field can be obtained in real time the centimeter level positioning accuracy measuring method, which uses a carrier phase dynamic real time difference method, is the GPS application the great milepost, it is project lofting, topographic mapping, various control measurement brings new dawn, greatly improves the work efficiency of industry. GPSRTK technology takes the lead in the geodetic survey, engineering survey, aerial photography, marine survey, city surveying mapping widely used. This paper firstly analyzes the GPSRTK technology application in engineering survey, secondly, on the GPSRTK technology in the engineering survey data processing method and GPSRTK technique in engineering measurement . The advantages are discussed. Keywords:GPS; GPSRTK; engineering measurement; engineering application 目 录 第一章 概述 1 第二章 GPS在工程测量中的应用 2 2.1 概述 2 2.2 GPS测量的布网特色与布网方法 2 2.3 GPS在工程测量中的应用 3 2.4 GPS在工程测量中的应用实例 4 第三章 实时差分GPS测量技术 8 第四章 工程测量的作业流程 8


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