第十二章 法律翻译.ppt

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第十二章 法律翻译

【例5】,第十二条 合同的内容由当事人约定,一般包括以下条款: (一)当事人的名称或者姓名住址; (二)标的; …… (八)解决争议的方法。 当事人可以参照各类合同的示范文本订立合同。 ? 译文①:The contents of a contract shall be decided by the parties concerned. In general, a contract, shall contain the following items; (1)The titles or names of the parties concerned and their addresses; (2)Object … (8)Methods of solving disputes. The party may sign a contract with reference to model copies of various kinds of contracts. ? 评:“约定”翻译成decide不够确切。这里的“约定”是指经过协商达成一致意见的意思,可以用agree(upon)。“by the parties concerned”并非法律语言,concerned可以改为“thereto”。“包括以下条款”,中的“包括”,翻译时用了“contain”,这个词本身有“包含”“由……组成”“等于”“相当于”等义。“their addresses”中的their等所有格代词最好不用。并且“addresses”这个词属于日常生活用词,不适合用于合同当中,最好改成“domicile(住处),”此词指户籍,法律上指长住处。 Object 指代不够明确,最好用contract object,指明合同要处理的问题。 “solving disputes”中的solve用的不够贴切,可以改成settle。因为solve指的是find a solute,而settle指的是conclude (a law suit) by agreement between parties,多用于法律文件,指解决纠纷、矛盾。 Sign a contract 不是订立合同的地道说法,应该将sign改为make, enter into/conclude连用。 “with reference to”容易产生歧义,以其常指“与……签订合同”。 “model copies”翻译不准确,copies指的是份数而非文本,文本应该用text。“of varies kinds”这个翻译也不确切。文中“参照各类合同的示范文本”应语内译;因针对各种不同类型的人订合同而言,要参照各类不同示范文本,所以various不确切,订个合同要把各种不相干的文本都参遍也不可能,译为of each kind of...比较贴切。 译文②:The contents of a contract shall be agreed upon by the parties thereto, and shall, in general, cover and include the following clauses: (1)title or name and domicile of the parties thereto; ? (2)contract object; ... (8)methods to settle disputes. The parties may, by reference to the model text of each kind of contract, conclude and enter into a contract. ? 分析:“cover and conclude”用同义词连用的方法,解除了译文①中一词多义产生的歧义。又如:The Parties to this Contract shall fulfill or perform any of the obligation under this Contract. (本合同双方应履行合同规定的义务。)文中动词fulfill和perform同义。又如:This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B。本协议有甲方和乙方签订。文中的动词made 和entered into同义。此外,译文②用了“by reference to”其中的“by”表示手段,翻译准确。 【例6】,第十七条 要约可以撤回,撤回要约的通知应当在要约到达受要约人之前或者要约同时到达受要约人。 ? 译文①: If an offer is recalled, the noti


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