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管子管件 中文(简写) 英文 中文(简写) 英文 管子P Pipe 异径管(大小头)R Reducer 弯头EL Elbow 同心大小头CR Concentric reducer 长半径弯头ELL Long radius elbow 偏心大小头ER Eccentric reducer 短半径弯头ELS Short radius elbow 管箍CPL Coupling 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头)MEL Mitre elbow 双头管箍FCPL Full coupling 三通T Tee 单头管箍HCPL Half coupling 斜三通LT Lateral tee 异径管箍 RCPL Reducing coupling 异径三通RT Reducing tee 异径弯头REL Reducing elbow 内外螺纹接头BU Bushing 活接头UN Union 软管接头H Hose coupler 翻边短节SE Stub end 短节N Nipple 异径短节SNIP Swaged nipple 管帽(封头)CP Cap 管堵(丝堵)PL Plug 盲板BLK Blank 8字盲板SB Spectacle blank(blind) 金属软管MH Metallic hose 补强板RP Reinforcing pad 工作压力 Working pressure 设计压力 Design pressure 强度试验压力 Stress test pressure 密封试验压力(严密性试验压力 Seal test pressure 适用介质 Suitable medium 管子 pipe 管道(管路) Piping(pipeline) 管道系统(管系) Piping system 管道组成件 Piping components 管子表号 Pipe schedule number 无缝钢管 Seamless steel pipe 有缝钢管 Seamed steel pipe 电熔焊接钢管 Electric-fusion-welded steel pipe 电阻焊接钢管 Electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 双面埋弧焊接管道 Double submerged-arc weld steel pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 Spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌焊接钢管 Galvanized welded steel pipe 渗铝钢管 Aluminium-impregnated steel pipe 金属软管 Metallic hose 有色金属管 Non-ferrous pipe 非金属管 Non-metallic pipe 衬里管 Lined pipe 主管(总管) Run pipe(header) 支管(分管) Branch(branch pipe) 袋形管 Bag-shape pipe 盘管 coil 架空管道 Overhead piping 沿地管道 Piping installed along ground 管沟管道 Trench piping 埋地管道 Buried piping 穿墙(板)管道 Piping pass through wall(floor) 跨线 Jump-over connection 旁路管(旁路) By-pass 穿越管道 Cut-across piping 跨越管道 Cross-over piping 挂越管路 Hung-over piping 工艺管道 Process piping 公用工程管道 Utility piping 低压管道 Low pressure piping 中压管道 Medium pressure piping 高压管道 High pressure piping 真空管道 Vacuum piping A级管道 Grade A piping 气液两相流管道 Two phase (gas-liquid)flow piping 平衡液体管道 Equilibrium liquid piping 暖泵管道 Warm up pump piping 泵入口平衡管道 Pump inlet balancing piping 塔顶预热介质气相旁通管 Hot vapor by-pass at top of column 泵防凝管道 Pump piping for solidification prevention 管件 Pipe fittings(fittings) 单头螺纹管箍 Half thread coupling 双头承口管箍 Full be


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