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BASIC OXYGEN FURNACE (转炉炼钢) 钢水是怎样生产出来的: - 铁水 - 废料 - 辅料 - 其它添加剂 - 氧气 氧气顶吹转炉 (炉气净化和 冷却系统) 设计为能够高效地排放和净化转炉炼钢中产生的炉气。 在“吹气”过程中,炉气温度可超过1600℃。 在炼钢过程中,产生大量石灰、CO2/CO、Fe2O3和其它添加剂。 转炉除尘系统 较易结垢之处: 文氏喷嘴 文氏喉口 淬冷器喷嘴 降温除湿器 引风扇 循环泵及管线 转炉除尘 (处理方案) 优化水质 测定石灰颗粒,粒径3mm 保持“O”碱 = 100 ppm, CaH = 500 ppm 增加排污/补水 在沉淀池中加入“软化剂” (CO2/C03) 转炉除尘 (处理方案) 优化浓缩池/沉淀池运行(保持TSS50 ppm) 选择正确的絮凝剂 适当的注入量和与来水适当的混合 适当的泥浆厚度监测和控制 转炉除尘 (处理方案) 合适的阻垢及缓蚀方案 注入量与文氏水量对应 连续低注入量依据浓缩池出水情况(C.A.P.E.S) 在炼钢过程中,依据一文、二文出水状况进行间歇的,同步的高注入量注入 转炉除尘 (水处理的潜在投资回报率) 延长炉龄 减少吨钢成本 增产 减少维修成本 一文/二文 引风扇 循环泵及管线 降低能耗 引风扇 送水泵 减少用水量 符合环保要求(空气/水) * * 转炉工艺流程图 1. 转炉 2. 炉帽 3. 冷却塔 4. 炉气净化器 5. 引风机 6. 带有顶燃烧器的净化气塔 7. 开关系统 转炉煤气循环水处理 转炉炉体 急冷器 除湿器 (炉气冷却) 文氏管 (二文) 初沉池 浓缩池 湿井 污泥脱水 次级补水 初级补水 去烟道 急冷器 文氏管 (二文) 除湿器 (炉气冷却) 次级补水 初级补水 浓缩池 水池 污泥脱水 初沉池 转炉炉体 转炉煤气循环水处理 去烟道 The Basic Oxygen Furnace (B.O.F.) or L..D. Convertor is the primary way that liquid iron (hot metal) from a Blast Furnace is converted into liquid steel. The BOF vessel is a large refractory lined vessel that is capable of being rotated 360 degrees. Hot metal, recycled scrap and lime is added along with other ingredients into the vessel after it is rotated to the “charging” side of the BOF shop. The vessel is rotated vertically and pure oxygen is blown into the “bath” of molten material for 10-20 minutes. During oxygen blow, carbon levels in the iron are burnt out releasing tremendous amounts of thermal energy. After blow, the vessel is rotated to the “teeming” side of the BOF shop and the liquid steel is “tapped” from the vessel into a transfer ladle. This completes one “heat” of steel. One heat of steel is typically produced in 40-50 minutes yielding from 150-300 tons of liquid steel. The above diagram shows the raw material handling equipment, BOF vessel, and gas handling/cleaning system associated with a typical BOF/ LD Convertor steel making shop. 1. Hot Metal (Iron) is added to the vessel via a hot metal transfer ladle. 2. Scrap is added via a scrap bucket 3. Various “fl


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