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36 1 V o l. 36 N o. 1 20 11 1 JOURNAL OF CH INA COAL SOC IETY J an. 2011 : 0253- 9993( 20 11 01- 0018- 06 刘正和, 赵阳升, 弓培林, 胡耀青, 吕兆兴 ( , 030024 : 以晋城煤业集团赵庄煤矿 3305综采工作面工程地质条件和开采技术条件为背景, 应用相 似 料模拟和数值模拟方法, 深入研究了回采巷道顶板切缝后不同切缝深度与回采巷道煤柱应力 相关关系及应力分布特征研究表明, 与不切缝相比, 回采巷道顶板切缝后, 随切缝深度增加, 垮落 高度增加, 以切缝高度处为垮落角顶点, 顶板垮落角减小, 垮落后矸石能够充满采空区并且支撑基 本顶, 减弱工作面采动应力传递, 使煤柱应力降低煤柱垂直应力峰值垂直应力峰值位置距回采 巷道煤壁距离和距工作面后方的距离与切缝深度成对数关系, 煤柱垂直平均应力与切缝深度成非 线性反比关系 : 回采巷道顶板; 切缝深度; 煤柱应力分布; 应力传递 : TD 323 : A D istribution characteristics of coal pillar stress after the roadway roof being large depth cutting seam L IU Zhenghe, ZHAO Y angsheng, GONG P eilin, HU Y aoq ing, LZhaox ing ( I nstitu te of M ining T echnology, Taiyuan Universi ty of Techn ology, Ta iyuan 030024, Ch ina ) Abstract: S mi ilarity m ateria l smi ulat ion and num erica l smi u lat ion w ere adopted to research on the re lationsh ip and stress d istribution characterist ics o f roadw ay coal pillar stressw ith d ifferent depth cutt ing seam after cutting the roo f in basis of engineering geo log ica l and explo itat ion technical condit ions of the 3305 fu llym echanized face in Zhaozhuang Coal M ine. The conclu sions show that the roo f cav ing angle decreases w ith cutting seam he ight for the fulcrum, the he ight of break ing down increasesw ith the increase o f cutt ing seam depth, leading to the resu lt that the gob is f illed up and old roof is supported and the wo rk ing face d isturbance stress transm ission isw eakened and stress of the coal p illar is reduced com paring w ith no cu tt ing seam o f the roadw ay roof. Coa l pillar vertical stress peak value, vert ica



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