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石河子大学食品学院 《软饮料工艺学》课程结课论文 学 院: 高职学院 专 业: 食品加工技术 学 号: 2010618079 姓 名: 任 盼 中国传统——红茶 摘要: 红茶的干茶色泽与冲泡的茶汤以红色为主调,所以称为红茶。以适宜制作本品的茶树新芽叶为原料,经萎凋、揉捻、发酵、干燥等典型工艺过程精制而成。红茶开始创制时称为“乌茶”。红茶在加工过程中发生了化学反应,鲜叶中的化学成份变化较大,茶多酚减少90%以上,产生了茶黄素、茶黄素的新的成份。香气物质从鲜叶中的50多种,增至300多种,一部分咖啡碱、儿茶素和茶黄素络合成滋味鲜美的络合物,从而形成了红茶、红汤、红叶和香甜味醇的品质特征。在过去的5年里,美国政府资助了150多项关于绿茶和红茶及其化学成分的研究,研究结果表明,绿茶和红茶中的抗氧化剂可以彻底破坏癌细胞中化学物质的传播路径。波士顿贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心血管流行病学主任墨里-密特尔曼医生说:“红茶与绿茶的功效大致相当,但是红茶的抗氧化剂比绿茶复杂得多,尤其是对心脏更是有益”。Abstract: Black color of dry tea and the brewing tea with red as a main tuning , so called black tea. Suitable for making this tea sprout leaf as raw material, through withering, rolling, fermentation, drying and other typical refining process. Black tea began to create the so-called black tea . Black tea in the process of chemical reaction occur in fresh leaves, chemical composition changed greatly, tea polyphenols reduce 90% above, produce theaflavins , theaflavins new ingredients. Aroma components in fresh leaves from 50 , to 300 a variety of, part of, caffeine and catechins and theaflavins complex taste delicious complexes, thereby forming a black tea, red soup, red and sweet smell alcohol quality characteristics. In the past 5 years, the United States government has funded more than 150 on the green tea and black tea and its chemical composition study, research results show that, green tea and black tea antioxidants in cancer cells can be completely destroyed in the path of the spread of chemical substances. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston vascular epidemiology director Murray - Dr. Mittelman said: the effect of black tea and green tea is roughly the same, but the tea antioxidants than green tea is more complex, especially for the heart is even more useful . Keywords: Black tea, classification, effective component, functions 1 红茶饮料的概念及分类70型)→解块筛分→揉切机(70型)→解块筛分→揉切机(55型)→发酵→干燥 鲜叶要求 1鲜叶的新鲜度直接影响红茶的香气、滋味、尤其是切细红茶内质要香味鲜,浓度强,必须用新鲜的鲜叶。 2 鲜叶的色度,以黄绿色为好,紫色叶子能制红茶,但滋味稍差、品质较差。 3 鲜叶的品种,与红茶品质密切有


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