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上市公司跨国并购绩效的影响因素分析 摘要:上市公司并购作为一种经济手段本身所内含的经济效应是一般的经济行为无法比拟的。虽然它不是严格意义上的立法概念,只是经济界法律界学者约定俗成的称谓,但作为优化资源配置、提高经济效率、实现规模效应的有效经济手段,公司并购已经被公司的决策层广泛接受。本文采用结构化的系统分析方法,阐述了TCL品牌如何并购跨国企业阿尔卡特失败的案例。本文首先简单介绍了TCL手机业务及阿尔卡特企业的并购,以及合资后公司的盈利亏损情况。研究上市公司跨国并购绩效的影响因素,分析我国上市公司并购中存在的问题,从理论上阐明上市公司的合理跨国并购优化组合之路,为提高上市公司并购绩效提供依据。提出来相应的对策建议在对上市公司并购绩效的影响因素中, 关键词:上市公司 跨国并购 TCL并购阿尔卡特.并购绩效 影响因素 Abstract: Listed company merger and acquisition, as a kind of economic means itself implicit economic effect is incomparable in the general economic behavior. Although its not a legislative concept in a strict sense, is economic, legal scholars the established name, but as to optimize the allocation of resources, improve the economic efficiency and effective economic means to achieve economies of scale, company merger and acquisition has been widely accepted by the companys policy makers. This article USES the structured system analysis method, this paper expounds the TCL brand how to ma multinational companies alcatel failures. This paper first introduces the TCL mobile phone business and alcatel enterprise mergers and acquisitions, and joint venture, the companys profit losses. Study the influence factors of transnational merger and acquisition performance of listed companies, analyzes the problems existing in the listed company merger and acquisition, theoretically expounds the reasonable optimum combination way transnational merger and acquisition of listed companies, provide a basis for improving the acquisition performance of listed companies. Put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions on the influence factors of ma performance of listed companies, Key words: the listed company TCL alcatel merger and acquisition of transnational ma. Ma performance influencing factors 目 录 第一章 引言 1 1 .1 研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状综述 2 1.2.1 国外研究文献综述 2 1.2.2 国内研究文献综述 2 第二章 我国上市公司并购绩效理论分析 3 2. 1 并购动因理论 3 2.2 并购绩效的概念 4 第三章 著名并购案例---TCL品牌并购阿尔卡特 5 3.1 并购双方背景简介 5 3.1.1 TCL背


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