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毕业论文 题 目:聚苯胺基多级孔炭的制备 学 院: 化学工程学院 专 业: 应用化学 姓 名: 袁孟帅 学 号: 0911083142 指导教师: 周 晋 2013年6月 摘 要 多孔炭是一种多孔性的含碳物质,它具有高度发达的空隙结构,在各种各类的多孔材料中,碳材料由于其在大分子吸附、双电层电容、电催化、燃料电池、储氢等方面展现出良好的应用前景,现如今,人们将精力和时间大多数用在研究新型碳材料的方面。聚苯胺作为一种较为常见的导电高分子材料,因为它具有原料容易得到,制作很简单的特征,同时它的化学性能稳定性、电化学氧化还原可逆性和导电性,受到了人们的关注。聚苯胺基多级孔炭有成为超级电容器材料的潜质。 人们以较低的成本材料如甲醇,乙酸和苯胺等放在一个小烧杯中,然后将小烧杯放入到0℃-5℃冰水混合物中,在电子搅拌器上搅拌30min,放入适量的过硫酸铵,搅拌10h,之后经过过滤,干燥,研磨得到聚苯胺的固体粉末。用电阻炉在不同温度下炭化聚苯胺从而得到聚苯胺基多级孔炭,然后经过适当的活化与再次炭化,洗涤,过滤,干燥得到想要的聚苯胺基多级孔炭样品。在6mol/LNaOH的水溶液环境中,通过电化学恒流充放电、循环伏安曲线和交流阻抗谱测试样品的电化学性能。通过在实验室制备聚苯胺基多级孔炭,测试其电化学性能来进一步探究聚苯胺基多级孔炭作为超级电容器材料的可能性。 .关键词:碳材料,多孔炭,聚苯胺,炭化,活化,电化学性能 Abstract Porous carbon is a porous carbonaceous material with a highly developed structure of the gap, the various types of porous material, the carbon material as the macromolecular adsorption, double layer capacitors, catalysis, fuel cells, hydrogen, etc. show good application prospect. Nowadays, people mainly the effort and time spent in the study of new carbon materials. As a more common polyaniline conductive polymer material, because it has the raw materials readily available, making simple features, while the stability of its chemical, electrochemical redox reversibility and conductivity, has been to get peoples attention. Polyaniline Quito grade mesoporous carbon materials have the potential to become a super capacitor. People with low cost materials such as methanol, acetic acid and aniline in a small beaker, and the small beaker in 0℃-5℃ ice mixture stirred on the electronic mixer 30min, into the amount of over-ammonium sulfate, stirred for 10h, then filtered, dried and ground to obtain polyaniline powder. With a resistance furnace at different temperatures to obtain polyaniline carbonized polyaniline mesoporous carbon level in Quito, and then again after proper activation and carbonization, washed, filtered and dried to obtain the desired level of polyaniline Quito mesoporous carbon samples. In 6mol/LNaOH aqueou


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