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摘 要 蒙学作为国学的基础,是中国传统启蒙教育几千年来积攒下来的智慧结晶。目前国内外对于该领域的研究尚比较匮乏,有待于进一步的拓展和深化。本文从蒙学的基本情况入手,对蒙书中的经典文本进行浅析,阐释其价值理念和现实意义,进而探讨了蒙学对个人及中国社会意识形态的形成与发展所产生的深刻影响。创新之处在于重点论证了蒙学与个人和社会意识形态之间的必然联系,突出了论证的逻辑性和合理性。有益于改变当前针对蒙学的研究多从文白直译和少儿诵读入手而忽视其丰厚意蕴和深远影响的现状,同时也弥补了论证“蒙学教育与个人和社会发展有关”这一论点的理论空白。 关键词:蒙学;经典文本;个体影响;社会影响 ABSTRACT Chinese traditional rudimentary education as the national studies foundation is the wisdom crystallization which Chinese tradition formative educations for several thousand years save down. At present domestic and foreign was quite still deficient regarding this domains research, waits for the further development and the deepening. This paper obtains from the Chinese traditional rudimentary education basic situation, carries on the brief analysis to the classical text, explains its value idea and the practical significance, then has discussed the Chinese traditional rudimentary education the profound influence which and China social consciousness shapes formation and the development produces to individual. Place of the innovation lay in has proven the Chinese traditional rudimentary education with emphasis with individual and between the social consciousness shape positive connection, has highlighted the proof logic and the rationality. Majority of researches about the Chinese traditional rudimentary education pay great attention in translation and recitation, while neglecting its rich implication and the profound influence. This paper has helped change this present situation, simultaneously has also made up the proof “the Chinese traditional rudimentary education and individual and the social development related” this argument theory blank. Key words:Chinese Traditional Rudimentary Education;Classical Text;Individual Influence;Social Influence 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………..…….….…………….. .I ABSTRACT…………….……………………………………..……………..…………….II 前言…….………………...……………………………………………….….……………..1 一、蒙学概况......................……..…………….………………………….…..….………….2 (一) 蒙学的“被复兴”……………..…………………


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