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大 学 学生毕业论文(设计) 题目:关于现代企业市场营销管理探析 院(系): *******学院     专业: 经济管理 班级: ****级 学号: ***** 论文作者: ******** 指导教师:    xxx 指导教师职称: 副教授 ** 年 ***月 科毕业论文原创性及知识产权声明 I 中文摘要及关键词 III 英文摘要及关键词 IV 一、 1 (一) 1 (二) 1 二、 2 (一)营销观念狭隘守旧 2 (二)企业高层营销管理缺位现象严重 2 三、 4 (一)树立以产品、服务质量竞争为主价格竞争为辅的现代营销理念 4 (二)尽快建立起以市场为导向的科学、高效的营销网络 4 (三)强化营销管理、创新营销组织 4 四、 6 (一) 6 (二) 7 五、结语 9 参考文献 10 致 谢 11 经济的不断发展,我国企业的发展环境发生了很大的变化。企业再也无法利用传统的营销模式进行生产和发展,只有更好地学习和掌握现代企业市场营销技能和方法,才能够提高企业的核心竞争力。本文首先阐释了当前现代企业市场营销管理面临的问题,进而针对问题提出了相应的解决对策,并对市场营销管理未来的发展做出分析,进而为企业的健康快速发展奠定了重要的基础。?    关键词:市场营销 管理 研究 Abstract This is a make a spurt of progress of economy, the increasingly fierce competition in generation, many enterprises in order to get a spoon in the market vary from minute to minute, squeeze head broken and bleeding: rack ones brains to think of a way to find the channel, open up the market, using different methods to expand enterprise influence. In such a market environment, marketing management is particularly important, no management there is no development, no development, no future; for enterprises, marketing is the foundation, because only marketing can revitalize the economy, enterprises to long-term sustainable development, we should do a good job in marketing. Marketing management is the priority among priorities in enterprise management, market marketing success, is effective or not depends entirely on the market marketing management is proper. With the continuous development of market economy, great changes have taken place in the environment for the development of enterprises in our country. Companies can no longer use the traditional marketing mode of production and development, only to learn and master the modern enterprise marketing skills and methods, to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. This paper fi



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