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延胡索酸二钠对断奶羔羊小肠发育情况的影响 王婷, 潘晓亮*王新峰*P0.05)。【结论】延胡索酸二钠可以影响羔羊肠道的发育。 The Influence Of Disodium Fumarate On The Small Intestinal Villus Height And Crypt Depth in weaning lambs WANG Ting1 , (1.Department of Animal Science And Technology, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000) Key words: DF(disodium fumarate); Villus height; Crypt depth; V/C(villus height / crypt depth) Abstract:It’s aimed to investigate the influence of disodium fumarate (DF) on the small intestinal development of lambs.Thirty sheep were selected and randomly divided into three groups, ten sheep each group. The control group was fed a basal diet, the experimental group with 0.5% and 1% DF added on basic diet, the experimental period of 60 days. The results show that: (1) Compare with the control group, DF group each segment villus height were significantly higher than the control group (P0.05), with 0.5% DF the duodenum, jejunum and ileum villus height were increased by 30.3%, 30.1% and 45.9%; (2) With 0.5% and 1% DF the crypt depth (duodenum and jejunum) were less than the control group (P0.05), the ileum depth is shallower than the control group; (3) Add DF duodenum V/C was significantly higher than the control group (P0.05), add the amount of 0.5% was the best(V/C were increased 58.6%), with add 1% was the second, The differences between the other groups was not significant (P0.05) 这段英文语法好像不是很对. These data suggest that, the DF can affect the development of lamb’s intestinal tract. 引言 有机酸及其钠盐作为食品添加剂和调味剂应用已经十分普遍,如醋酸,苹果酸及盐酸,柠檬酸等。但作为动物的饲料添加剂还比较少见,因为当今营养学家们还没有完全发现有机酸在动物营养中所起作用的原理。 必威体育精装版研究表明,延胡索酸等有机酸[1、2]可改善反刍动物的瘤胃发酵,它可以维持pH值的稳定和降低乳酸的产量,有机酸可促进乳酸利用菌的生长,使乳酸的利用增加,促进其对乳酸的利用,增加二氧化碳的产生量,提高瘤胃内pH值,而且能促进纤维素分解菌的增殖及对纤维素的消化,对提高生产性能有重要意义。因此,延胡索酸可能是一种有益的反刍动物饲料添加剂。但是延胡索酸具有一定的酸性,添加后会降低瘤胃内的初始pH。由于pH值是瘤胃内重要的生化指标,过酸的环境极易导致瘤胃微生态失衡从而导致瘤胃酸中毒。而延胡索酸二钠盐属于碱性物质则对瘤胃内环境具有一定的缓冲作用,不会引起pH的显著降低。所以延胡索酸二钠作为饲料添加剂比延胡索酸更为合适。 作为饲料添加剂,DF对绵羊瘤胃微生物的作用研究的不够深入,对瘤胃的影响的报道也不一致,对羔羊肠道发育影响尚未见报道。本实验通过研究DF对断奶羔羊不同肠段发育情况的影响,为今后广泛运用DF作为饲料添加剂提供



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