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本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目 : 地域文化在环境艺术设计中的解析与呈现 ——以“楚韵风情”主题餐厅设计为例 姓名 : 孙嘉璐 学号 : 103007010114 班级 : 1001班 年级 : 2010级 专业 : 环境设计 学院 : 艺术设计学院 指导教师 : 向春芳 副教授 完成时间 : 2014年4月30日 作者声明 本毕业论文(设计)是在导师的指导下由本人独立撰写完成的,没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反道德、学术规范和其他侵权行为。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文(设计)引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。 毕业论文(设计)成果归武学院所有。 特此声明 作者专业 : 作者学号 : 作者签名 : 年 月 日 With the Present Analysis of the Regional Cultural in Environmental Art Design ——Chu style restaurant design as an example Sun, Jialu 2014年 4 月摘要Abstract Regional culture after thousands of years of continuous precipitation spread into development. The modern environmental art design, the traditional local culture has not been established in essence, but more show a weak culture. Its own characteristics in various social factors, especially the influence of powerful culture, often easy to ignore, loss of recognition of culture. Based on the case study of Chu culture, focuses on the analysis of the regional culture in environmental art design and presentation, and combined with case analysis, the Chu culture of local characteristics into the design of modern Chinese restaurant. Seminar on the use of standardized research method, the full text is divided into three parts: the first is outlined, the concept of second, research on the regional culture of Chu culture manifestation; thirdly, analysis and presentation of regional culture in environmental art design; finally, to design their own Chu culture theme restaurant case analysis. The main innovation of this paper lies in, show the geographical culture brings to the environment art design out of the ordinary visual effect, the inheritance and development of culture is no longer empty slogan, also broke the environment art design in the absence of regional culture pattern of this one, but to determine the design direction for the future. Key Words: regional culture; environmental art design; chu culture 目 录 引 论 1 一、1 (一)(二)二﹑(一)(二)三﹑结 语主要参考文献钟是楚国青铜乐器



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