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摘 要 计算机的高速发展使得各行各业对计算机的应用都已经逐步普及。计算机技术在教育上的应用不仅仅体现在课堂上,在题库管理和自动生成试卷方面的应用也已经有了很大的发展。由于教师日常工作量的繁重,有了计算机的辅助,教师才能把大量的时间和精力解放出来,放在如何提高教学质量上。试题库管理和试卷生存系统则正好能使教师繁重的出题和管理试卷工作变得轻松。市面上此类软件也已经不陌生了,但是此类软件的需求依然非常大。 该系统采用了JSP WEB技术、MyEclipse以及功能全面的SQL Server 2005数据库开发工具。在服务器端采用的是开源的tomcat。为了保证系统在出卷和题库管理上的高效性,系统在组卷策略上采用了比较简单的随机组卷算法。在题库的管理上,该系统题库涵盖了单选题,多选题,填空题,判断题,简答题,题型比较全面,在数据库的设计方面,为了减少数据存放冗余度,数据规范化达到3NF。 关键词 : JSP, development of computer in all walks of life haves also gradually popularization application of computer. However, the application of computer technology in education embodied not only in classroom, due to the heavy teachers daily work, have the computer auxiliary, teachers can put a lot of time and energy, on how to improve the teaching quality. Examination management and test the system existence to make the teachers heavy and management questions paper work easier. Computer technology application in question bank management and automatic generation of test paper also has had the very big development At present, such software on the market has also not strange, but such software demand is still very large. On the design of the system adopts JSP WEB technology, The myeclipse and comprehensive functions of SQL server 2005 database development tools. In the tomcat server short USES is open source. In order to keep the system in the volume and the efficiency on the question bank management, system in the group strategy adopted simple random group volume algorithm. On the question bank management, the system test covers the single topic selection, multiple choice, fills up the topic, true or false, short-answer questions, the topic is comprehensive, in terms of the design of the database, in order to reduce data storage redundancy, data standardization to 3 nf. Key words: JSP, testing system,SQL server 2005, paper constructing arithmetic 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1背景、目的及意义 1 1.2系统开发目标 1 1.3系统开发工具 2 1.4系统开发环境 3 2 需求分析 4 2.1任务概述 4 2.2业务流程分析 4 2.3 数据流图 5 2.4 数据字典 6 3 组卷功能分析 8 3.1


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