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高频电子线路课程设计说明书 高频功率放大器 院、 部: 电气与信息工程学院 学生姓名: 汤生平 指导教师: 张松华 职称 副教授 专 业: 通信工程 班 级: 通信1103班 完成时间: 2013年12月15日 摘要 高频功率放大器是发送设备的重要组成部分之一,通信电路中,为了弥补信号在无线传输过程中的衰耗要求发射机具有较大的功率输出,通信距离越远,要求输出功率越大。在高频范围内,为了获得足够大的高频输出功率,就要采用高频功率放大器。由于高频功率放大器的工作频率高,相对频带窄,所以一般采用选频网络作为负载回路。 PCB 绘图。 关键词:高频功率放大器;甲类功放;丙类功放;选频回路 ABSTRACT High frequency power amplifier is one of the important components of transmission equipment, communications circuits, in order to compensate for signal transmission in the wireless transmitter in the attenuation requirements have greater power output, communication distance, the greater the required output power. In the high-frequency range, in order to obtain a large enough frequency output power, we must use high-frequency power amplifier. Due to the high frequency power amplifier high frequency, relatively narrow band, so commonly used frequency-selective network as a load circuit. The curriculum design of high frequency power amplifier circuit by bipolar power amplifier, the first class is class a power amplifier, second class C class tuned power amplifier. On class a power amplifier and C class tuned power amplifier design, through the given technical requirements to determine the class a power amplifier and a C class tuned power amplifier design working state and calculate circuit in the device parameters, and design integrity of high frequency power amplifier circuit, and the use of Electronic Design Software Multisim for circuit simulation. Through the analysis of simulation results of circuit characteristics, so that the circuit has been further improved. The report first gives the design goal and function of circuit analysis, and then discuss the various circuit design and schematics, gives the actual circuit structures test data and analysis, finally summarizes experimental and gives the PCB drawing. Key words: high frequency power amplifier; class a power amplifier;class c power amplifier;frequency selective network; 目 录 1 设计任务及要求和工作原理说明 4


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