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银发浪潮时代下“以房养老”的可行性分析及对策研究 ——以西安为例摘 要 中国已正式步入老龄化社会,银发浪潮下的中国面临着严峻的养老危机:中国尚不完善的养老保障制度、日益增大的养老金缺口、“养儿防老”失效……传统养老方式已不能满足居民养老的需求。未富先老严重挑战了我国经济的可持续发展。探索更好的养老模式,解决养老难题迫在眉睫。“以房养老”(即反向住房按揭贷款)的出现对于缓解我国养老危机有很大的帮助。在许多发达国家,以房养老作为解决老龄化难题的主要措施已经得到了理论和实践的双重验证和广泛实施。在我国,该模式经过充分的理论验证已经在北京,上海和广州等多个城市进行了试点,并且积累了宝贵的实践经验。在经济发展略落后的西部地区,以房养老模式的施行仍然处于孕育和萌芽阶段。 本文通过借鉴前人的理论成果,采用理论和实证相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合,案例分析和系统分析的研究方法,以西安为例,深度剖析以房养老模式在西部地区的可行性。最终本文得出结论:西部地区初步具备了推行以房养老模式的客观条件,可以实现金融机构盈利和普通居民获得养老保障的双赢局面。对于推行该模式中可能遇到的阻力,本文也从宏观环境和微观个人的角度提出了政策建议和意见,为以房养老在西部地区的顺利展开提出了自己的见解。Abstract As we all know, the aging period has arrived in china and we are also faced with serious aging crisis under the elder economy: the uncovered social security, the opening gap of the national pension and the inefficiency of the traditional personal planning. All things above cannot meet the need of citizens. Aging crisis is threatening the sustainable development in China. We are forced to exploring better ways to solve the aging problem in time. Nevertheless, Reverse Mortgage has done a great deal to relief aging crisis. This method has been proved efficient theoretically in China as well as we have accumulated experiences in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. However, This condition is still in the embryonic stage in the economical relative backwardness west multinational area. Based on the experience from predecessors, this article combines theory with empirical evidence, qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, case analysis and system analysis,and takes Xi’an as the example, making an overall analysis of the feasibility of the Reverse Mortgage. The paper ultimately concludes that the western area has possessed the fundamental functions of the house-for-pension scheme, which can realize the profit for financial institutions and security of old people in such a win-win situation. Simultaneously, we analyze necessity and feasibility of establishing new model,and the possible resistance in the process as well as put up with


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