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浅谈对《不可儿戏》中的爱情婚姻观及其现实意义 摘要:在王尔德的《不可儿戏》中,爱情婚姻观是一个热点话题,该文试图对维多利亚时期 来自各个阶层的不同人物的爱情婚姻观进行分析,而其婚姻观可归为传统和非传统两条主线,一类是以亚吉能为代表的非传统的婚姻观,认为爱情是浪漫的,而求婚或婚姻则并非如此,另一类是以巴拉克诺夫人为代表的传统派的婚姻观,认为婚姻基于现实而非觉悟之上,否则婚姻难能长久。同时剧中人物所表达出来的关于爱情和婚姻的看法,比如亚右能看上去玩世不恭,却也道出了一些婚姻的本质,对现今的爱情婚姻有一定的启发,而巴拉克诺夫人虽然做慢霸道对婚姻却也实话实说,比如她对于杰克的择偶条件对现在面临选择婚姻伴侣的我们也是一个很好的参考,将他们的观点与我们社会的婚姻观联系起来看,可以加深我们对自己婚姻的认识,从而更好的完善自己的婚姻行为,以期许获得更多的婚姻幸福。 关键词:爱情;婚姻观;交易;捉摸不定 A brief analysis of the ideal of love and marriage and the practical significance of The Importance of Being Earnest Abstract:In Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest,the ideal of love and marriage is a hot topic.This work gives an in-depth analysis about different character’s ideal of love and marriage,who came from all classes in Victorian era.The view of marriage can be divided into two main line : traditional and non-traditional type.Algernon,being the representative of non-traditional type thinks that love is romantic,however,making a proposal and marriage is not the case.The traditional view of marriage claimed that marriage should based on reality rather than understanding,otherwise,having a long term marriage is very difficult.Baranovsky is one of the representative of the traditional type.At the same time,there are many opinions about love and marriage ,which can be seen from the characters in this work .Algernon is such a cynics ,but also revealed the essence of the marriage. Although Baranovsky is arrogant,she is honest to the marriage.Some conditions for Jack’s mating is a good reference for us choosing a partner.Putting their views and the marriage of our society together can deepen our understanding of their marriage,which can improve our marriage behavior and get a happier marriage. Key words: love ; the view of marriage ; deal ; elusive


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