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本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目 香菇多糖对苦荞芽生长及黄酮类 物质合成的影响 学院(部) 生物产业学院 专 业 食品质量与安全 学生姓名 刘晓琼 学 号 200910518108 年级 2009 指导教师 赵 江 林 职称 讲 师 2013年 6 月 1日 香菇多糖对苦荞芽生长及黄酮类物质合成的影响 专 业:食品质量与安全 学 号:200910518108 学 生: 刘晓琼 指导教师:赵江林 摘要:苦荞麦是一种著名的作物,具有很好的营养价值和保健功能。了多糖对苦荞芽生长及黄酮类活性物质合成的影响。首先建立了苦荞芽的生长动态曲线,结果表明苦荞芽在生长至第1天时其生物量达到最大值,鲜重为15.g/100粒,相应其干重达到1g/100粒。苦荞芽中的总黄酮含量在第10天时达到最高水平为mg/g。00μg/mL时,苦荞芽的生物量有效提高到1.03g/100粒,是对照苦荞芽干重(0.91g/100粒)的1.13倍。对于苦荞芽黄酮含量而言,当山药多糖处理浓度为200μg/mL时,苦荞芽中总黄酮含量增加到32.26mg/g,是对照29.8mg/g的1.08倍。该研究结果为有效提高苦荞芽的品质提供了一条新的思路,同时也有利于苦荞芽的进一步开发利用。 关键词:苦荞麦;黄酮类物质;香菇多糖;诱导子;苦荞芽 Effects of mushrooms polysaccharide on the growth and flavonoids biosynthesis of Tartary buckwheat sprouts Specialty:Food Science and Engineering Student Numbertudent: Supervisor:Zhao Jiang lin Abstract: Tartary buckwheat is a famous coarse cereal with high nutritional value and healthy function. In this study, the effect of mushrooms polysaccharide on the growth and flavonoids accumulation was investigated. The kinetic study of tartary buckwheat sprout was first determined, and the maximum fresh weight of buckwheat sprout was 15.71g/100 sprouts achieved on day 10. Correspondingly, and the highest dry weight of buckwheat sprout was 1.20g/100 sprouts. For the flavonoids accumulation, the highest flavonoids content was 27.21 mg/g when the sprout cultures obtained on day 10. Furthermore, the results showed that the polysaccharide of mushrooms could effectively enhance the sprout growth and flavonoids production. With 200 μg/mL of polysaccharide, the buckwheat sprouts biomass was efficiently increased to 1.03g/100 sprouts, about 1.13-fold in comparison with the control culture of 0.91g/100 sprouts. And the total flavonoids content was notably increased to 32.26 mg/g, about 1.08-fold compared to the control of 29.80 mg/g. These results in


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