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摘 要 现今钢铁冶金行业高速线材盘条运卷小车的主流结构是双臂芯轴运卷小车。作为一种成熟的工程运输机械,运卷小车技术已经较为成熟。随着时代发展,钢铁冶金行业在发达国家逐渐变成夕阳产业,但是不代表它不再重要。毕竟我国整体制造业水平普遍偏低,所以冶金行业在我国的国民生产总值及产业链中仍占有举足轻重的地位。研究冶金行业的工艺流程,产品设备,仍具有重要意义。通过对以往设备运行调试中的错误和不足进行纠正和改进,达到降低劳动强度、保障人身安全、提高生产率和企业效益的目的。本次设计依据已知系统的额定压力、额定流量、负载重量、工作循环时间、两个工作循环间隔时间,以及予定行车距离等设计高速线材盘条运卷小车液压系统。通过本次设计提高自己的专业水平,使我对将来工作有了一定的了解。由于本人对液压机械行业了解较浅,所以难免有较多专业错误,望各位专家学者给予批评指正,非常感谢! 关键词: 高速线材盘条;双臂芯轴;运卷小车;液压系统 Abstract Today metallurgical industry transported speed wire rod coil structure is a mainstream car shipped arms mandrel coil car. Major domestic import two models,SMS model and Morgan models.As a mature engineering transport machinery, transport volume car technology is already mature.With the development of the times, iron and steel metallurgy industry, becoming a sunset industry in developed countries, but does not mean that it is no longer important.After all, Chinas overall level of manufacturing industry is generally low, so the metallurgical industry in Chinas GDP and industrial chain still occupies a pivotal position.Research metallurgical industry processes, products equipment, still has great significance.Through the past, equipment operation debug errors and deficiencies corrected and improved, to reduce labor intensity, protection of personal safety, improve productivity and business benefits.The design basis of the known system rated pressure, the rated flow, load weight, work cycle time, two working cycle interval time, and I fixed driving distance, design speed wire rod coil car shipped hydraulic system.Through this design improve their professional level, so I have some understanding for future work.As I understand the hydraulic machinery industry shallow, so inevitably there are more professional error and hope that experts and scholars to give criticism, thank you very much! Keywords:High-speed wire rod; arms mandrel; transport volume car; hydraulic system 目录 1绪论 1.1 课题研究背景........................................1 1.1.1 中国高速线材发展简


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