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学士学位毕业设计 基于TRIZ理论的户用型生物质气化炉具设计 学生姓名: 学 号:20064024636 指导教师: 所在学院:工程学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 中国·大庆 2010年6月 摘 要 根据生物质燃烧特点,研究生物质高效清洁燃烧技术,开发出了与生物质成型燃料配套的户用炊事炉具。炉具采用上吸式气化技术(逆流式气化),气化产物直接燃烧。做到了结构简单、操作方便、成本低廉、热效率高、炊事火力强,污染排放量能达到北京市环保标准。为在广大农村推广使用创造了条件。 运用市场调查问卷法文献资料法用数理统计软件,统计学方法,对的消费行为进行分析艺术设计学、建筑学、技术美学、现代加工工艺学等Abstract According to the characteristics of biomass burning,graduate students clean combustion technology material,developed and biomass fuel molding in supporting the kitchen stove。Biomass stoves do simple structure, convenient operation, low cost, high thermal efficiency, cooking fire,pollution emissions can reach Beijing environmental standards. In the vast rural areas to promote the use of creating the conditions. Using the questionnaire survey about current market product, and customer satisfaction and the new demand for products; By using the methods of documentation and understand the whole industry development, the development trend of master; Using the theory of knowledge: art design, ergonomics, machine learning, modern engineering materials science, architecture, technology, modern processing technology aesthetics design of products on the comprehensive analysis and improvement to the best design requirements. Using the computer modeling and rendering 3d software, in form, colourful, material analysis, etc gives optimal plan. Making model, then improved human-computer size makes it accord with the actual requirement. On the final product packaging design, Take plane advertisement and television advertising two ways to achieve good sales promotion. Keywords Biomass; Stoves; TRIZ theory 目 录 摘 要 I 目 录 III 绪 论 V 1课题论证 1 1.1课题的建立 1 1.2对产品现有状况的分析 1 1.3设计想法和理论支持 3 1.4设计目的 4 1.5设计原则 4 2市场调研部分 5 2.1生物质能资源的特点 5 2.2国内外生物质能的利用现状 5 2.3对生物质炉具发展及现状的分析 6 2.3.1对于TRIZ理论发展的调研 6 2.3.2对于国内生物质炉具的调研 7 2.3.4产品的定位 10 2.3.5基于TRIZ理论的生物质气化炉具的设计方案 10 2.4对生物质炉具方案可行性分析 11 2.4.1技术方面的分析 11 2.4.2经济方面的分析 11 2.5设计思路分析 12 2.5.1从功能方面分析 12 2.5.2从市场方面分析 12 2.6用户要求调研分析 13 2.6.1调查问卷 13 3功能原理的分析


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