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编号 本科生毕业设计(论文 题目: 学院 专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 二〇一〇年月 摘 要 随着我国经济的不断发展以及加入世贸组织后市场环境的变化,对企业的生产经营提出了更高的要求,企业必须利用各种先进技术,在网络与信息技术的支持下,改进现在的生产经营模式和组织管理结构,才能在市场竞争中赢得更多的份额。随着企业规模的扩大,现将发挥越来越重要的作用。高效、便捷可以为生产经营提供保障 本文以公司作为研究对象,结合其自身特点和仓储环节的现状,运用了多种科学的管理方法,对其仓储管理进行合理化的细致研究。全文主要分为五个部分,第三、四部分是本文的主体。第一、二部分是仓储管理的理论综述,阐述了仓储管理的基本概念、原则及仓储合理化的相关内容;第三部分是对威莱公司的简介,并提出其在仓储管理环节存在的问题;第四部分是对威莱公司的仓储管理进行合理化改进。关键词:仓储管理;威莱公司;企业;问题;改进 ABSTRACT Warehousing business logistics system is an indispensable part, it reflects the state of business activity supplies integrated places, connecting the production, supply, sale of transfer stations, a reasonable storage management can help enterprises to speed up the rate of flow of goods, reduce costs, protect The smooth progress of production, the achievement of the effective control of resources is of great significance. Besides that, The market environment changes with the country’s economy development and accession to the WTO. So the enterprise should be up to the higher standard and use advanced technology to improve the operation and management. They should win more share in the market competitions under the support of network and information technology. With expansion of business scale , the warehouse management will play an more and more important role in company management. It will ensure the efficient and convenient storage for operation. In this paper, weilai as a research company, with its own characteristics and warehousing sectors of the status quo, using a variety of scientific management methods, management of its warehouse rationalization of the meticulous research. The full text can be divided into five parts, third, fourth part of this paper is the main. The first and second part is the Theory of warehouse management, warehousing management described the basic concepts, principles and warehousing related to the rationalization of the content of the third part of the companys M briefings and to it


jiqinyu2015 + 关注


