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免责声明:本文档来自网络并经精心整理,提供免费阅读,文章版权属于原创者,请注意保护知识产权,请您下载后勿作商用,只可学习交流使用。 目录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究背景 1 1.2 课题研究现状 2 1.3 问题的提出及研究的意义 2 1.4 课题研究的内容及目标 3 1.5 本文的主要工作 3 2 学生宿舍管理系统总体方案设计 4 2.1 可行性分析 4 2.2 开发语言和设计平台介绍 5 2.3 系统功能模块分析 7 2.4 系统算法思想 8 3 学生宿舍管理系统详细设计 10 3.1 程序流程图 10 3.2 系统登录模块设计 11 3.3 系统主界面设计 14 3.4 信息管理模块设计 15 3.5 信息保存和打开设计 19 3.6 管理员功能设计 20 3.7 系统测试 21 结束语 23 致谢 25 参考文献 26 附录:宿舍管理系统程序代码 27 摘 要 关键字:C语言 系统开发 ABSTRACT In recent years,with the further reform of university institutions,in many quarters in the management of university students by the Logistics Group is responsible.Expanding enrollment in the university situation,dormitory management work is becoming increasingly onerous and trivial.Student dormitory management requirements are also rising.Traditional manual management mode,low efficiency,can not meet the actual demand.Many universities have developed a computer software system for management,increased efficiency,but many of these software in accordance with the original set and the sector in university institutions to design,in the dormitory with logistics management of the core group for the new situation is not well work,revealed many problems.Based on the new body set up universities,departments and student dormitory management division of the actual needs analysis,design and development applicable to the new environment of the dormitories management system.By using this system,dormitory management company(Logistics Group dorm Division)of the managers to convenient accommodation for students in the school,attendance,discipline management,improve efficiency and save manpower,material and financial resources to improve data reliability,safety,be rational.The data from complex statistical data calculated from the out of work. This article in order to achieve systematic management of student hostels for the purpose of using software engineering principles and methods of systems development is discussed in detail the system design,system deve


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