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求职应注意的礼仪 求职时最礼貌的修饰是淡妆 面试时最关键的神情是郑重 无论站还是坐,不能摇动和抖动 对话时目光不能游弋不定 要控制小动作 不要为掩饰紧张情绪而散淡 最优雅的礼仪修养是体现自然 以一种修养面对两种结果 必须首先学会面对的一种结果----被拒绝 仍然感谢这次机会,因为被拒绝是面试后的两种结果之一。 被拒绝是招聘单位对我们综合考虑的结果,因为我们最关心的是自己什么地方与用人要求不一致,而不仅仅是面试中的表现。 不要欺骗自己,说“我本来就不想去”等等。 认真考虑是否有必要再做努力。 必须学会欣然面对的一种结果----被接纳 以具体的形式感谢招聘单位的接纳,如邮件、短信 考虑怎样使自己的知识能力更适应工作需要 把走进工作岗位当作职业生涯的重要的第一步,认真思考如何为以后的发展开好头。 Thank you Emergent Structure The blend develops emergent structure that is not in the inputs. First, composition of elements from the inputs makes relations available in the blend that do not exist in the separate inputs. Composition:Blending can compose elements from the input spaces to provide relations that do not exist in the separate inputs. Second, completion brings additional structure to the blend. This structure of two people moving on the path can itself be viewed as a salient part of a familiar background frame: two people starting a journey at the same time from opposite ends of a path. Completion: We rarely realize the extent of background knowledge and structure that we bring into a blend unconsciously. Third, by means of completion, this familiar structure is recruited into the blended space. At this point, the blend is integrated: It is an instance of a particular familiar frame, the frame of two people walking on a path in opposite directions. By virtue of that frame, we can now run the scenario dynamically: In the blend, the two people move along the path. The Features of Blending Blending in the riddle of the Buddhist Monk has features that turn out to be universal for conceptual integration. Building an integration network involves setting up mental spaces, matching across spaces, projecting selectively to a blend, locating shared structures, projecting backward to inputs, recruiting new structure to the inputs or the blend, and running various operations in the blend itself. It is crucial to keep in mind that any of them can run at any time and that they can run simultane
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