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Lean Thinking in Process Mapping 工艺流程计划中的精艺思维 A JCI Manufacturing Series Training Program JCI制造培训系列 Course Objectives 课程目标 Understand the relationship between lean thinking and all business processes (production and administrative) 理解精艺思维与所有业务流程之间的关系(生产与管理) Learn how to construct the “as-is” process map 学会如何构建“如果-那么”的工艺流程 Learn how to apply lean principles of waste reduction (the 8 Kinds of Waste) in a gap analysis of the “as-is” map 学会如何将减少浪费的精艺思维运用于“如果-那么”的流程分析中 Learn how to perform value/non-value added analysis 学会如何进行增值/无增值的分析 Learn how to construct the “should-be” process map 学会如何建立“应该”的工艺流程 Learn how to document and verify improvements in any business process 学会如何在业务流程中对改善进行验证并将其文件化 Logistics 后勤 Starting/Ending Time 开始/结束时间 Safety Requirements 安全要求 Lunch Area/Timing 午餐地点/时间 Meeting Location(s) 会议地点 Restroom(s) 休息室 Telephones, Messages, Pages 电话,便条,记录 Call in Number 定制定位 Refreshments 茶水 Copy Machines 复印机 Timekeeper 钟表 Ground Rules 基本规程 Discuss ideas and issues, not people 讨论想法和问题,而不是人 In brainstorming, no idea is wrong 进行头脑风暴,所有的主意都是好主意 Respect for participants - do not interrupt speaker 尊重参与者,不要打断别人的发言 Everyone Participates 人人参与 Why Map A Business Process? 为什么要有业务流程? Need a “snapshot in time” 需要“及时的简单印象” Cannot measure improvement without a baseline 没有基准久无法衡量改善 Quantitative and qualitative measureables 衡量要定性定量 If you’re not continuously improving, the competition is catching up! 如果你不能做到持续改善,竞争就会随之而来! Benchmarking is not enough. 基准是不够的 The true competitor is perfection. 真正的竞争者是完美的 Lean Thinking in Process Mapping 工艺流程中的精艺思维 The lean or “value stream” approach starts with the customer need and the “pull” that need creates. 精艺思维和“价值流”的方法是从客户需求和“拉动”开始的 The Customer: I need a car… 客户:我要一辆车… The OEM: I need an engine, I need tires… 整车厂:我要一个引擎,轮胎… The Supplier: I need rubber… 供应商:我要橡胶… The Raw Material Supplier: I need rubber trees... 原材料供应商:我要橡胶树… Lean Thinking (cont’d) 续上 A lean process strives to fulfill a need with the highest quality, best delivery and


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