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认知法又称认知-符号法(Cognitive-Code Approach),产生于60年代的美国,代表人物是卡鲁尔、布鲁纳。认知法反对听说法的“结构模式”论和过分依赖机械性的重复操练,主张在外语教学中发挥学生的智力,注重对语言规则的理解和创造性的运用。 老子在《道德经》里就说了:“授人以鱼,不如授之以渔,授人以鱼只救一时之急,授人以渔则可解一生之需。” Want Ads Cover Letters CVs Application Form Recruitment Applied Writing Want Ads Cover Letters CVs Application Form Recruitment Applied Writing Applied Writing 在情境中充分领悟写作要领, 运用写作技巧 突显此项写作技能在职场中的重要性 课 件 演 示 * 新境界职业英语 认知法在职业英语语法 和写作教学中的应用 世图慧通外语部 皇甫婉贞 导入:认知法在生活中的运用 猫科动物 猫科动物 的特点 锋利的爪子,行走无声。奔跑速度快,会游泳,能爬树(大型除外)…… 皮毛柔软,有花纹或斑点…… 圆脸,两眼位于正前方,有胡须…… 导入:认知法在生活中的运用 Cognitive-Code Approach Principles of Cognitive Approach Students- centered Leaning is based on understanding Rules are discovered and summarized Mistakes are unavoidable Students-centered 调 动 教师在“认知法” 教学中的作用 启 发 纠 错 教师在“认知法” 教学中的作用 发现规律 归纳总结 Grammar Review 由认知入手,用归纳法引导学生学习语法知识 纠错练习 实例体验 实例体验 B. Arrange the answers to the above questions in the corresponding columns. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Back Having failed repaired being built Not knowing Having been defeated Seen Hearing Having reviewed having been invited being operated B. Categorize the above sentences according to different forms of participle. 4, 7 3, 10 1, 8 5, 9 2, 6 Back 通过认知领悟写作要领 Models Comprehension Writing Tips Layout Tasks December 8, 2010 Dear Mr. Higgins, We have pleasure in inviting you to our annual conference. This year it will be taking place at the Metropolis Hotel, Brighton, on 28th December, 2010. We enclose details of the conference, accommodation arrangements and an agenda. Last year you gave a very interesting talk on the subject of “Purchasing High Technology.” We would be very grateful if you could consider giving us an update on this. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Peter Matthews Conference Organizer Invitation Letters Sample 1


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