fmt150光养生物反应器文献—2010 experimental validation of a nonequilibrium model of co 2 fluxes between gas(if1.8).pdf

fmt150光养生物反应器文献—2010 experimental validation of a nonequilibrium model of co 2 fluxes between gas(if1.8).pdf

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fmt150光养生物反应器文献—2010 experimental validation of a nonequilibrium model of co 2 fluxes between gas(if1.8)

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 37:1319–1326 DOI 10.1007/s10295-010-0876-5 ORIGINAL PAPER Experimental validation of a nonequilibrium model of CO2 fluxes between gas, liquid medium, and algae in a flat-panel photobioreactor ˇ • • • ´ Ladislav Nedbal Jan Cerveny Nir Keren Aaron Kaplan Received: 10 July 2010 / Accepted: 13 September 2010 Society for Industrial Microbiology 2010 Abstract Carbon dioxide (CO ) availability strongly diurnal modulation that significantly deviates from 2 affects the productivity of algal photobioreactors, where it chemical equilibrium. is dynamically exchanged between different compartments, phases, and chemical forms. To understand the underlying Keywords Algae Carbon dioxide Cyanobacteria processes, we constructed a nonequilibrium mathematical Mathematical model Photosynthesis model of CO2 dynamics in a flat-panel algal photobiore- actor. The model includes mass transfer to the algal sus- List of symbols pension from a stream of bubbles of CO2-enriched air and -1 aB Specific gas–liquid interfacial bubble area (m ) from the photobioreactor headspace. Also included are the 3 -1 - h Henry constant (m Pa mol ) hydration of dissolved CO2 to bicarbonate ion (HCO3 ) as -1


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