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学校代码:11059 学 号:0411403042 Hefei University 本科毕业论文 BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文题目:东达集团所得税会计处理方法比较研究 学位类别: 学 士 学科专业: 会 计 学 作者姓名: 张 天 乐 导师姓名: 陈 琳 完成时间: 2008年05月19日 东达集团所得税会计处理方法比较研究 中文摘要 所得税会计研究的核心是税前会计利润与应税所得之间的差异对纳税影响额的会计处理问题。目前所得税会计处理方法有:应付税款法和纳税影响会计法、递延法和债务法以及损益表债务法和资产负债表债务法。由于会计与税收的目标不同,会计利润与纳税所得确认的方法存在较大的差异,所得税会计处理方法的不同选择和运用使企业会计报表相关要素有着显著的差别,所得税会计处理方法的比较研究有助于企业选择合理的所得税会计处理方法,进而提高会计信息的质量。 本文首先介绍了研究的对象、目的、意义,以及思路和方法等;其次对所得税会计产生的原因进行研究;然后对应付税款法与纳税影响会计法、递延法与债务法、损益表债务法与资产负债表债务法进行比较与分析,但由于《新企业会计准则》规定:从2007年1月1日起,所得税会计核算方法一律采用资产负债表债务法,所以本文将重点介绍资产负债表法以及与其联系紧密的损益表债务法;最后,在结合实习企业的基础上,提出本人对所得税会计核算方法的一点愚见。 关键词:所得税会计;损益表债务法;资产负债表债务法 The Comparative Research on the Accounting Process of Dong Da Group Company Abstract The core of the research on income tax accounting is an accounting treatment matter, which deals with the influence that the difference between tax former accountant profit and the taxable income has on the ratal. At present, the accounting process of income tax includes Tax Payable Method and Tax-affect-accounting Method, Deferral Method and Liability Method, as well as Income Statement-obligation Method and Balance Sheet Liability Method . Due to the difference between the goals of accounting and the tax revenue, the affirming methods of accounting profits and after-tax income also differ from each other. The different choice and application of accounting process could differentiate, to a great extent, the related elements of the enterprise financial accounting report. The Comparative Research on the Accounting Process of Enterprise Income is helpful to enterprises’ choosing the suitable income tax accounting process, and thus enhancing the quality of the accounting information


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