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Study on Roadside Safety Technology for Low-grade Roads A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Jia Yi Supervisor:Prof.Luo Ying Chang’an University, Xi’an, China 摘 要 我国低等级公路占据公路的总里程比重较大。随着人们对路侧安全问题重视程度 的增加,低等级公路设计、修建之初以及运营中显露出来的安全问题,成为低等级公 路进行改造和升级需要考虑的重点。 本文通过调研我国低等级公路路侧安全的现状和特点,从影响路侧安全的诸多因 素出发,分析了低等级公路的路侧事故规律,以便得到影响路侧安全的主要因素。参 考了基于灰色聚类理论的四级路侧危险等级评估方法,进而提出了不同危险级别情况 下应采取相应等级的防护设施类型。为公路路侧安全设施的合理设置提供了一种简单 实用的方法和较为科学的设计依据。 介绍了路侧设计理念的定义和具体应用——“路侧净区”,对路侧净区的定义、计 算方法以及对线形引导、路侧障碍物和路侧环境等路侧安全系统内容进行了初步探讨, 提出应以宽容设计、灵活设计、和谐设计为灵魂的路侧安全设计理念。 最后对低等级公路路侧常见安全问题的解决技术和对策进行总结,以路侧安全宽 容设计理念为指导,从提供路侧安全主动预防的道路标志、标线开始,到对路侧排水 设施、常见障碍物的处理,以及护栏、解体消能设施等防护设计的技术和设置要点。 并对文章进行了总结与展望。 关键词:路侧交通事故、路侧危险等级、宽容设计、路侧净区、路侧安全防护 I Abstract Low-grade highway in China occupy larger proportion of the total mileage of highway.With the increase of people on the roadside safety emphasis, Low-grade highway design, construction and the beginning of the operation revealed security issues, become the focus needs to be considered in low-grade roads to Transformation and upgrading. In this paper, the status quo of Chinas low-grade roads roadside safety features, from a number of factors that affect the safety of the roadside, analysis the rule of low grade highway roadside accident, in order to get the main factors of the impact of roadside safety. Combining engineering practice, the establishment of the theory based on the grey cluster 4 the lateral danger rating assessment, and proceeded to put forward a different risk levels should be set up under the protective type facilities. Provides a simple


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