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Research on Gas-Saving technology for City CNG buses A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Wang Wenqiang Supervisor:Prof. Jian Xiaoping Chang’an University, Xi’an, China 摘 要 城市 CNG 公交车辆是现代公交系统的重要组成部分。随着石油危机的不断加剧, 城市公交车辆越来越多地应用 CNG 汽车,但在实际的道路运行中,CNG 公交车辆的燃 气消耗量往往超过标准额定燃气消耗量。虽然我国天然气资源相对比较丰富,但由于其 是不可再生资源,所以城市 CNG 公交车辆节气是十分必要的。此外,城市 CNG 公交 车辆节气研究是汽车节能减排的重要组成部分,是促进能源可持续发展和贯彻国家节约 能源方针与政策的重要方面,也是建设清洁、快捷的现代绿色公交概念的基础。 针对城市 CNG 公交车辆在运行中气耗量高的现象,本文从三个方面进行分析。在 燃气系统方面上,结合汽油/CNG 两用燃料发动机台架试验,对点火提前角、减压器出 口压力、低压管路漏气、传感器故障因素进行试验并进行数据处理分析;在驾驶操作方 面上,跟车记录实车数据,对驾驶操作的不良因素进行分析并对此提出合理的措施;在 保养维护方面上,调研统计维修厂的数据,对各因素进行分析并提出建议。 通过以上三方面的分析研究,本文最后完成城市 CNG 公交车辆节气指南,该指南 不仅汇总了影响城市 CNG 公交车辆的常见因素及相应的改善措施,而且还提出排除城 市 CNG 公交车辆气耗高问题的操作流程。城市 CNG 公交车辆节气指南可以改善城市 CNG 公交车辆的燃气消耗量,对城市公交车辆节能有重要的意义。 关键词:CNG 公交车辆,节气,燃气系统,驾驶操作,保养维护 I Abstract City CNG buses are an important part of modern public transportation system. With the growing oil crisis, more and more CNG vehicles are used as the city public transport vehicles, but in actual road running, the gas consumption of CNG buses is often more than the standard rated gas consumption. Although natural gas resource is relatively abundant in our country, it is a non-renewable resource, the research about saving gas on city CNG buses is very necessary.Therefore, the research about saving gas on city CNG buses is an important part of the auto energy saving, is an important step to promote sustainable energy development and implement the national conservation of energy policy, is also the basis of building a clean and fast modern green bus concept. The paper makes analysis from three aspects in response to the phenomenon that City CNG buses run at high gas consumption. In the gas system


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