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年产3万吨甲醛生产装置工艺设计 摘要:本设计为年产3万吨37.2%甲醛水溶液的生产工艺初步设计,本设计采用银催化法工艺,根据设计要求对工艺流程进行了选择与论证,对整个装置进行了物料与能量的衡算,对主要设备和管道进行了设计及选型,同时对本装置的安全生产与“三废”治理作了相关讨论并进行经济的初步核算。 本设计配有设计说明书一本,附图4张。说明书包括1:总论;2:工艺流程的选择及论证;3:年产3万吨37.2%甲醛水溶液工艺计算;4:非标准设备的计算及定性设备的选型;5:工艺管道计算;6:安全以及“三废”治理;7:技术经济初步核算。图纸包括:1 带控制点的工艺管道及工艺流程图;2 氧化器装配图;3 装置平面图;4 装置立面图。 关键词:甲醛;甲醇;氧化;工艺;电解银 The manufacturing process of Formaldehyde 30000 tons per year Speciality:chemical engineering and technology designer:Xie Qiang director:Luo Dao Cheng Abstract:The design is primary for the manufacturing process of formaldehyde 30000 tons per year,and adopts Ag as catalyst According to the design,the craft production way of formaldehyde was selected and the technology was investiged.The main equipments and pipes were designed or selected.At the sane time,safely producing and dealing with”three waste “were argued and technology economic was originally estimated. The design consists of an instruction book and a series of diagram. The instruction book includes:1.Introduction.2.Choice and demonstration of the technological process.3.30000 tons per year 37.2% formaldehyde crafts for production were designde.4.It is not a selecting type of the equipment of calculation and finalizing the design of the standard device.5.Thecraft pipeline calculating.6.Security and abatement of”three waste”.7.Economic initial estimate of technoligy. The diagram include:1.The pipeline of the device and process flow sheet with controlled piot.2.Assemblage chart of the oxidator.3.Plane figure of the device.4.The blueprints of factory. Key words:formaldehyde;Methanol;Oxidation;Technology;Electrolysis Silver 目录 前言 1 1 绪论 1 1.1 我国甲醛工业的发展过程 1 1.1.1 起步阶段 1 1.1.2 发展阶段 1 1.1.3 快速增长阶段 1 1.2 我国甲醛工业的现状 2 1.2.1 生产工艺 2 1.2.2 生产能力和产量 2 1.2.3 技术指标 2 1. 3 影响我国甲醛价格的主要因素 3 1.3.1 生产成本 3 1.3.2 下游需求状况 4 1.3.3 地区差异 4 1.4 产品说明 4 1.4.1 产品名称 4 1.4.2 产品性质 4 1.5 产品用途 6 1.6 原材料说明 6 1.7 甲醛工业的发展趋势 6 1.7.1 改进催化剂的性能 6 1.7.2 高浓度甲醛工艺发展趋势 6 1.7.3 设备集约化 7 1.7.4 规模大型化 7 1.7.5 产品简介 7 1.8 甲醛的主要技术指标 7


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