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摘  要 本设计是年产10万吨甲基叔丁基醚装置生产工艺设计,主要以反应工段为工艺设计对象,在借鉴了国内外成熟的MTBE生产工艺和技术的基础上,结合了吉林市地区的自然及其地理条件,按任务要求生产量设计本工艺流程。由于我国目前是世界上汽油消耗量相当大而且用量正在大量增加的国家,而采用甲基叔丁基醚作为汽油添加剂,有提高汽油烷值和汽油燃烧效率、减少CO和其他有害物(如臭氧、苯、丁二烯等)的排放等优点,因此建设此项目具有重要意义。我们采用的合成工艺是由混合碳四中的异丁烯和甲醇在强酸性苯乙烯系阳离子交换树脂催化剂上进行反应最终合成MTBE。此次设计采用的技术虽不是业内最先进的,但是就我们目前的实际状况来讲是最成熟的。我们会坚持不懈地努力改进MTBE的生产工艺,望各位评委见谅。 关键词:甲基叔丁基醚 异丁烯 甲醇 Abstract The design is an annual output of 8,0000 tons of methyl tertiary butyl ether plant process design,mainly to reflect the target section for the process desig and drawing at home and abroad sophisticated MTBE production techniques, combined with the City of its natural and geographical conditions , according to mandate design requirements of the production process. Since China is currently the worlds gasoline consumption is significant and substantial increase in the amount of state, MTBE as a gas additive to increase the n-value gasoline and gasoline combustion efficiency and reduce CO and other harmful substances (such as ozone, benzene, butadiene, etc.) emissions, etc,therefore of great significance to the project construction.We use the Synthesis of carbon from the mixed four of the isobutylene and methanol in the strong acid styrene cation exchange resin catalyst, the reaction on the final synthesis of MTBE.Although not the design technology used is the industrys most advanced, but on our current terms of the actual situation is the most mature.We will consistently strive to improve the MTBE production process, hope you forgive the judges. Key Words:Methyl tert-butyl ether Isobutene Methanol 目  录 摘  要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 第 1 章 绪论 1 1.1 概述 1 1.1.1 MTBE生产历史和生产前景 1 1.1.2 设计依据 1 1.1.3厂址的选择及设计地区的自然条件车间的组成及人员 2 1.2 工艺说明 2 1.2.1 原材料规格 2 1.2.2 副产品规格 3 1.2.3 安全标准 3 1.2.4 产品性质 4 1.2.5 生产工序及工艺流程叙述 6 1.2.6 生产控制一览表 10 1.2.7 三废及处理 11 第 2 章 计算部分 12 2.1 物料衡算 12 2.1.1 全车间物料衡算 12 2.1.2 反应器物料衡算 13 2.1.3 MTBE精馏塔物料衡算 19 2.1.4 萃取塔物料衡算 20 2.1.5 回收塔物料衡算 22 2.2 热量衡算 24 2.2.1 一器一段循环冷却器E-101热量衡算 24 2.2.2 一器一段热量衡算 25 2.2.3 T101B塔底出料换


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