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N O I T A R A P E I NTRODUCTION R P M A Relax. X E T This section is intended to make your exam preparation easier, not harder. N E Our goal is to reduce your level of stress and help you make the most of your I C I study effort by helping you understand more about the United States Medical F F Licensing Examination, Step 1 (USMLE Step 1)––especially what the new E O FRED computer-based testing (CBT) is likely to mean to you. As a medical T E student, you are no doubt familiar with taking standardized examinations and D I quickly absorbing large amounts of material. When you first confront the U G USMLE Step 1, however, you may find it easy to become sidetracked and not achieve your goal of studying with maximum effectiveness. Common mis- takes that students make when studying for the boards include the following: “Stressing out” owing to an inadequate understanding of the new com- puter-based format Not understanding how scoring is performed or what your score means Starting First Aid too late Starting to study too late Using inefficient or inappropriate study methods Buying the wro



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