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·268 · Acu uncture Research,August 2007, Vol.32, No.4
(中国中医科学院针灸研究所, 北京100700)
【 】 在修订针灸腧穴定位的国家标准以及制订针灸经穴定位的国际标准的过程中, 通过引入解剖学
的 分支表面解剖学,以及影像学的方法, 对于针灸腧穴定位与取穴进行试验性研究, 成功地解决了以往单
统发掘了中国古代在针灸腧穴定位方面所积累的表面解剖学经验的科学价值和 的生命力,从而为现代表
【】 针灸腧穴定位 标准化研究 表面解剖学 影像学
【】R 224.2 【】A 【】1000-0607 (2007)04-0268-05
Combined Application of Surface Anatomy, Imageology and Authropometry to the Study on
Standardization ofAcupointLocation
H UANG Long-xiang (Institu te of A cu-mox ibus tion , Ch ina A cad emy of Ch inese M ed ica l S ciences, B eij ing 100 700, Ch ina)
【ABSTRACT】 In the proc ess of revising nat ional standard of acupoint locat ion and formulat ing internat ional standard of acu-
point location, t he author of the present paper, us ing surf ace anatomy (a new branch of anatomy)and imageological methods,
successfully solv es some problems w it h which are difficult to dealt merely according t o lit erature analysis, not only prov iding sc ien-
t if ic ev idence for formulat ing both nat ional and internat ional st andards of ac upoint locat ion, but also uncovering sc ient if ic v alue of
ex perienc e of surface anat omy accumulat ed systemat ically in Chinese anc ient t imes and revealing its new vit al ity.It prov ides an
ext ensive appl ied prospect for t he development of surface anatomy.
【KEY W RDS】 Acupoint locat ion; St andardizat ion st udy; Surfac e anat omy; Imageology
(surface anatomy ) 《》
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“”“surface anatomy”。 。
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2003 。
2007 8 32 4 ·269 ·
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