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972 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 24, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2009 Small-Signal Stability Analysis of a DFIG-Based Wind Power System Under Different Modes of Operation Yateendra Mishra, Member, IEEE, S. Mishra, Senior Member, IEEE, Fangxing Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Zhao Yang Dong, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ramesh C. Bansal, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper focuses on the super/subsynchronous op- The doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) has been popu- eration of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) system. The lar among various other techniques of wind power generation, impact of a damping controller on the different modes of opera- because of its higher energy transfer capability, low investment, tion for the DFIG-based wind generation system is investigated. and flexible control [2]. DFIG is different from the conventional The coordinated tuning of the damping controller to enhance the damping of the oscillatory modes using bacteria foraging technique induction generator in a way that it employs a series voltage- is presented. The results from eigenvalue analysis are presented to source converter to feed the wound rotor. The feedback con- elucidate the effectiveness of the tuned damping controller in the verters consist of a rotor-side converter (RSC) and a grid-side DFIG system. The robustness issue of the damping controller is converter (GSC). The control capability of these converters give also investigated. DFIG an additional advantage of flexible control and stability Index Terms—Bacteria fora



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