Unit 01 Learn to Read.ppt

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Unit 01 Learn to Read.ppt

Learn to Read 学习阅读 林宇 To obtain the information you need; To get some fun or entertainment from what you read; To appreciate a selection and identify your self with those persons or those situations in the essay; To improve your English by doing some excellent reading; The aim of reading is to obtain the message the reader needs. In contrast to IR, reading course is virtually a real communication activity in terms of its selection of reading materials and the class-organization. Large exposure to a great variety of authentic and meaningful materials in the target language; Authentic, cultural-loaded and linguistically-varied language; Reading comprehension; Reading speed; The ability to appreciate and evaluate what you read; 阅读课的教学目的在于通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,包括涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面的名家作品,扩大学生知识面,加深学生对社会和人生的理解,培养学生对名篇的分析和欣赏能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生英语语言技能。阅读课教学的重要内容就是训练学生独立获取知识的能力,运用知识的能力,分析问题的能力,独立提出见解的能力和创新的能力。 The writer’s message Thought, facts, feelings and opinion Reading is an activity bridging the writer and reader through words. The ability to analyze the organization of the essay and grasp the meaning suggested by the words. 读者与作者之间有着轻言细语的甚至是沉默的交流; 从故事、语词、标点符号、字体…去发现文本的奥秘以及它的流传; 也许为了是非的求解而阅读,说是非当然是建立理性的需要。然而我们需要的不仅是通用于一般社会生活中的理性,还需要在专业领域里的理性。例如在文学的一系列专业水准的极其细腻、极其精致的感觉、表达和批评。 一个优秀的读者应该具备的是:1.足够的想象力;2.较强的记忆力;3.文化内容丰富,具有百科全书特点的词典;4.一定的艺术感。 聪明的读者在欣赏一部天才之作的时候,为了领略其中的艺术魅力,他不只是用心灵,也不全是用脑筋,“而是用脊梁骨去读的”。脊梁骨里有神经,它感知愉悦。 i. Cohesive devices Reference and substitution Such as, we, it, this, our and so, then, such and so on. Omission ii. Discourse markers iii. Functional value Aren’t you cold? iv. Rhetorical organization Although Mary is kind, she is not pretty. Although Mary is not pretty, she is kind. (Which one comes from Mary’s friend?) He stood up when I asked him to. He did not stand up until I asked him to. (Which one suggests the speaker’s reproach?) For Whom the Bell Tolls By Hemingway As to a second-language learner, his knowledge and experience


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