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公务员录取模型 摘要 简述了我国目前招收公务员的状况,形势。随着我国人事制度改革的逐步深入,为满足社会对高素质人才的需求,现各政府部门和机关都对公务员的录取工作进行了改革,即改革以往不能招聘到合理人才的做法。同时加大了面试成绩在公务员录取中的比重。一般是根据笔试的成绩,将达到数线的报考人员从高分到低分排序,按1:2的比例选择进入面试名单。面试一般采用由专家组面试考核的办法,主要面试考核报考人员的专业知识面、思维的创造性、灵活的应变能力、文字和口头的表达能力和等综合素质。 针对几种问题提出了一些解决方法和改进方法,使招聘部门和各报考人员有最好的互动。充分考虑了报考人员的意愿和基本状况,以及招聘部门对报考人员各方面素质的要求,对双方在一定方式下进行各中排序,择优录取。使各部门都能在现实情况下最大限度的招聘到自己需要的人员。 关键词:报考人员,部门,总成绩,部门总数,排序。 The public official pass in examinations model Abstract Summarizes our country at present to recruit officials condition, the situation. Is gradually thorough along with our country personnel system reform, for satisfies the society to the high quality talented persons demand, presently various government department and the institution all have carried on the reform to officials enrollment, namely the reform formerly could not advertise for to the reasonable talented persons procedure. Simultaneously enlarged has interviewed the result in the official enrollment proportion. Generally is according to the result which examines by writing, achieved several register for the personnel from the high score to the low score arrangement, enters according to 1:2 scale factoring interviews the name list. Interviews generally uses by the expert group interviews the inspection means, mainly interviews the inspection to register for personnels specialized aspect of knowledge, the thought creativity, the nimble strain capacity, the writing and the oral expression ability and so on the comprehensive quality. Oposed in view of several kind of questions some solutions and the improvement method, cause the employment advertise department and respectively registers for the personnel to have the best interaction. Fully had considered registers for personnels wish and the basic condition, And invite the section to request register for examination first personnel everyone character, carries on to both sides under the certain way each center arranges, chooses the best applicants. Enables various depar


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