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福建农业学报 22( 4) : 4 18~ 422, 2007 : 1008- 0384 ( 2007) 04- 0418- 05 F uj ian J ournal of A g r icult ural Sc iences 刘善文, 王景辉, 刘健宏, 李国成, 包 巍, 王 丰, 郑海新, 黄惠珍, 陈志峰 ( , 350003) : , J2EE XML , , : , : ; ; ; ; : G 202; F 3024 : A Demonstration of science and technology information in Fuj ian rural area LIU Shanw n, WA NG Jinghui, LIU Jianhong , LI Guoch ng, BA O W i, WA NG F ng , ZH ENG H ai x in, H UA NG Hui zh n, CH EN Zhi f ng ( I nst it iute of A g r ic ult ur al E conomy and Sc ienct if ic I nf o rmat ion, F uj ian A cademy of A g r icult ur al S ciences, F uz hou, F uj ian 350003, Ch ina) Abstract: Count ring th actual situation in Fujian rural and th r quirm nt for sci nc and t chnology informiza tion, th n tw ork t chnology , databas managm nt t chnology and softwar d v lopm nt t chnology ( J2EE and XML) hav b n compr h nsiv ly adopt d to construct th rural s rvic syst m and ffict iv or sci nc and t chnolo gy information. T h main r s arch cont nts in clud d: d v lopm nt f or s v ral typ s of databas and managm nt sy st m construt ion of r mot s rvic platform of agricutural information, applicat ion of crop longrang diagnos s rvic syst m, d sign of rural information coll ction and dist ribution syst m and constrution of th last kilom t r informat ion s rvic mod ls. T his syst m consists of larg information, compr h nsiv know l dg and m ts w ith th r quir m nts of information industry of Agricultural Sci nc and T chnology of Fujian Provinc in all asp cts and at multipl l v ls. Key words: rural ar a; sci nc and t chnology information; databas ; s rvic syst m; d monstrat ion syst m ,


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