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摘 要 人大对政府发展规划的审查监督,既是由规划的性质和功能所决定,也 是由人大及其常委会的性质和地位所决定。新时期完善人大对政府发展规划 审查监督,是坚持和完善人民代表大会制度的内在要求。建国以来,人民代 表大会制度曲折发展,法律体系不够完善,人大对政府发展规划审查监督的理论 研究没有引起重视,实践效果不理想。 本文系统分析市场经济条件下政府发展规划的作用、规划制定及其改革,以 湘潭市为例,梳理总结新中国成立以来的规划 (计划)编制与实施,人大对规划 (计划)的审查监督,就完善人大对“十一五”规划的审查监督进行实证研究。 探讨新时期完善人大对政府发展规划审查监督的实现路径,提出并论证规划体制 改革与规划立法是基础,规划决策机制改革与重大事项决定权行使是着力点,对 规划中量化指标的监督是主线的观点。为此,提出新时期我国规划体制改革的基 本思路,明确规划体制改革的五个重点。论述人大对于重大事项决定权行使, 以及应着重解决的五个主要问题。通过规划制定与决策机制之间的关系探析, 得出结论,依法治国背景下的国家权力运行机制模式,必将由目前的“党委 决策→政府执行→人大监督”逐步过渡到“党委建议→人大决定→政府执 行”的法制轨道上来。 关键词:政府发展规划;人大监督;人大审查;对策 I Abstract The National Peoples Congress on the governments development planning examination and supervision, both from the nature and function of planning by the decision by the NPC and its Standing Committee is the nature and status of the decision. The peoples congresses of the new era improve the examination and supervision of government development planning, is to uphold and improve the system of Peoples Congress of the inherent requirements. Since 1949, the Peoples Congress system tortuous development, the legal system is not perfect enough, the Congress government examination and supervision of the development planning study did not draw attention to the theory, practice result is not ideal. This analysis under the conditions of market economy the role of government development planning, formulation and planning reforms to Xiangtan City as an example, carding since the founding of new China summed up the planning (plan) preparation and implementation of the NPCs planning (plan) r


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