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Unit 2 Surveys,Surveys and More Surveys * home * Ⅰ.Lead-in Ⅱ.Vocabulary Ⅲ.Outline Ⅳ. Text study Ⅴ. Summary Exercises Text A 1.??1. Opinion polls A survey of porential voters to determine their mood and attempt to determine the outcome of the election. Opinion polls started to play a part in American polities in the 1930s when the Gallup poll predicted the election of President Roosevelt in 1936. home 1.??? Census: (Latin censere, “to assess”) Term primarily referring to the official and periodical counting of the people of a country or section of a country; also, the printed record of such a counting. In actual usage the term is applied to the collection of information on the size and characteristics of population, as well as on the number and characteristics of dwelling units, various business enterprises, and governmental agencies. Para.1-2 Para.3-6 The most complete and important survey for Americans is the national census. 1 1)?? A census offers information on population 2)2) A census also offers information on recent changes in American life 3) A census helps the government and the people to understand and to adjust to the chaning society. Surveys are an important part of American life. They are used to find out more about the human being. 1. In the United States, there’s a widespread belief that statistics don’t lie. Perhaps that’s why sruveys are such an important part of American life. For many years, politicians, businesspeople, and scholars have used surveys to find out more about that mysterious and complicated creature, the human being. 2. American newspapers and magazines have been taking public opinion polls since the 1800s. In the 1930s, poll experts such as Elmo Poper and George Gallup began using scientific methods to select and interview participants in political surveys. Since the 1940s, American businesspeople have been developing, naming, pachaging, and promoting products with the help of surveys.And also since t


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