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新视野大学英语(读写教程第三册) 答案 新视野大学英语(读写教程第三册) 答案 新新视视野野大大学学英英语语((读读写写教教程程第第三三册册)) 答答案案 Unit 1 Unit 1 UUnniitt 11 SectionA. TheExpensive Fantasy ofLordWilliams 《读写教程III》: Ex. II,p.9 1. Becausethis is atitle bought with stolen money. The guy’sreal name is Anthony W illiams. 2.It’ssmall, withapopulationofonly 320. 3.No.HelookslikeaScottish noble, soft-spokenand wealthy. 4. The truth is that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was aScottish noble and paying forit by stealing funds fromScottish Yard. 5.Hestole morethan eight million pounds over eight years and poured about five mill ionpounds into thevillage. 6. Most of the stolen money was supposed to be used to pay spies and conduct secret activitiesagainst the Irish Republican Army. 7.He used the money to buy an estate, abeautiful home, and adozen noble titles. But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into the village, buying multiple cottages, apu band arun-downhoteland turning them into very good-looking places. 8. His bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the bank’s management. The bank then notified the police, who discovered that the criminal was one of their o wn. 9. Because in the eyes of some villagers Williams is a helper, pouring most of his stol en money into thevillage and giving jobsto 43people. 10.He said in an interview afterhe was arrested: “I discovered this bloody huge amou nt of money. I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be describe dasgreed. Thereisno way tojustify it.” 《读写教程Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅲ,p.9 1.suspicion 2.restored 3.considerate 4.inherited 5.furnish 6.justify 7.substantial 8.fantastic 《读写教程Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅳ,p.10 1.Tohis embarrassment he discovered 2.likethat 3.strike deals with it out 5.falls upondarkdays 6.nothing but 7.captured theheart ofthelittle boywith 8.raiseaglass to 《读写教程Ⅲ》: Ex. Ⅴ,p.10 1.economy 3.campaign 4.p


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