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* 要点; 1.每月拜访次数大致和今天是一致的,A是4次,B是2次,C是1次,对新加的V类客户拜访次数为2次 2.每月拜访次数是公司的最低要求, 对于有些医生确实需要更多拜访次数,公司允许拜访次数超过最低要求,代表可以将额外的拜访次数记录在系统内,以后公司在考核拜访频率时会考虑该代表对这些客户额外的拜访。 * 开放式问题:可以收集更多的信息,易建立关系,给医生有思考的余地,诱发其详细说明,目的是要鼓励医生主动介绍其需求5W1H 闭合式:易使人产生紧张情绪,缺乏双向沟通的氛围,一般多用于重要事项的确认。需要澄清确认时用,避免连续提出闭合式问题 选择性:对待冷漠的人,可使用。更快切入。 提问:通过听了解医生需求后,还要问----问是有目的的问,为了做产品优势介绍 漏斗形问题: --作为新专员初次拜访建议了解病源、病人状况、科室用药习惯、竞争产品、我产品使用情况等基本信息,寻找机会介绍我产品优势 --对于医生态度不配合的:什麽药都用,疗效都一样等,可用一些选择性、闭合性的问题,结合临床问题询问某类药、某类病人怎样,锁定范围和需求 --提问要有目的性,往产品优势上靠,然后做优势介绍 --观察医生态度,再提问聆听,解决 --站在客户的角度去提问 * 介绍医生的诊疗流程,探询了解医生的观念和临床需求 * * * 可运用游戏让学员有更感性的认识:超级销售员,每组发一个产品来推销“移动gsm”“联通CDMA”“小灵通” , 强烈的习惯要养成:讲了特征后一定紧跟着利益 F-B三句话:“因为”、“可以”、“对您而言” * Features are attributes/facts about a product, By themselves, they do not sell because they do not answer the question, “So what?” or “What’s in it for me?” Benefits answer the question, “So what?” They are what a product or service does. Benefits of the product or service are the application of features to the needs of the customer. Benefits should relate specifically to the needs of the particular customer. They answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” Benefits serve to get the customer emotionally engaged. Knowledge makes it possible to effectively present benefits—knowledge of the customer and your products. Now that you have a precise definition of features and benefits, let’s discuss the importance of using benefits. 1 minute * Ask each question and allow representatives to offer their answers before displaying the slide answers. Representatives may have additional answers that are not presented on the slide. Q: Let’s concentrate on benefits for a minute. What is the importance of using benefits? A: Increase the impact of our sales message Provide a more memorable message Ensure the focus is on what the drug will do for the physician and patient - features tell; benefits sell. Q: When and how often should benefits be presented? A: Benefits must come earlier. Benefits should come more often/fre