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中国传世玉器全集 Chinese Jades in Traditional Collections 古 方/主编 Gu Fang 6 清 Qing Dynasty 北 京 目 录 CONTENTS 清代(续) 1  翁童诗文玉牌 Plaque Decorated with an Old Man, a Boy and a Poem 2  天仙配诗文玉牌 Plaque Decorated with Fairies and a Poem 3  松石诗文玉牌 Plaque Decorated with Pines, Rocks and a Poem 4  山水诗文玉牌 Plaque with Landscape and a Poem 5  益寿延年玉牌 Plaque with Four Characters 6  花卉纹玉佩(2件) Left: Pendants Decorated with Flowers Right: Pendant in the Shape of a Flower-basket 7  龙凤纹玉牌 Plaque Decorated with a Dragon and a Phoenix 8  石榴纹玉牌 Pendant Decorated with a Pomegranate 9  吉庆有余玉牌 Plaque with Four Characters 10  吉祥如意玉牌 Plaque Decorated with a Figure and Four Characters 11  喜字梅花纹玉牌 Pendant Decorated with a Character and Plum Blossoms 12  捕鱼图玉饰 Pendant with Fishing Design 13  龙凤纹玉佩 Round Pendant Decorated with a Dragon and a Phoenix 14  凤鸟纹玉佩 Oval Pendant Decorated with a Bird and Four Characters 15  童子诗文玉佩 Plaque Decorated with Boys 16  婴戏纹玉佩 Oval Pendant Decorated with Playing Boys 17  翡翠四蝠捧寿纹佩 Pendant with Four Bats around a Character 18  福寿纹玉佩 Pendant with a Character and a Bat Design 19  福字玉佩 Character-shaped Pendant 20  斋戒玉牌 Plaque with Two Characters 21  翡翠凤凰牡丹纹牌 Plaque Decorated


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